You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2263:

Gu Zhige finished the night shift and returned home, it was already more than one o'clock in the morning.

Everyone in the family has fallen asleep, and the lights in the living room are still reserved for him, and for dinner.

Like last night, Gu Zhige warmed up the food and went upstairs to sleep after eating!

The female assassin during the day did not cause any influence on Gu Zhige.

When he lay down to sleep, he almost forgot about the female assassin.


Gu Jingyuan's work efficiency is really very high. After finding out some news about the female killer, he revealed it to the police.

The female killer was indeed carrying a life lawsuit on her back. During the time period, Gu Jingyuan did not find out all of them.

However, even one or two is enough for the female killer to drink a pot.

The policeman took a look, oops, this woman even killed someone, she must not be let go, and must be investigated in depth.

The police imitation wants to investigate, the speed is naturally not too slow.

When they find out all the identity of the female assassin, as well as the homicides she has committed, they will either be extradited or wait here to be sentenced.

Anyway, no matter what it was, she didn't even think of it.

The female assassin's blood was about to be vomited out, she finally gritted her teeth, trying to shake Gu Zhige out, saying that he was Xiang Qiuchi, and he was carrying more lives on his back.

However, she has a red mouth and white teeth. There is no substantive evidence. Who would believe it.

The police imitate the case, it is all about evidence.

Gu Zhige's detailed information, from birth to school, is quite clear.

The female killer said that Xiang Qiuchi could detect this person, but when he was very young, he was determined to be dead. How could these two people be the same?

Therefore, the police imitation will not believe it! ,

When Gu Jingyuan gave Gu Zhige a new identity, he did it very carefully.

The identity of "Gu Zhige" simply exists, without any loopholes.

Gu Zhige's birth, parents, family, school status, studying abroad, all aspects are clear, and even the photos of his various school periods have been obtained.

It can be said that Gu Zhige's identity is not created out of thin air, but has always existed!

Can withstand all kinds of inspections.


The next day, Gu Zhige got up almost at 9 o'clock.

Before going downstairs, Gu Zhige was mentally prepared. He knew that he would definitely not avoid Zhou Ping this time.

Downstairs, Zhou Ping and the others have already had breakfast.

After Gu Zhige went downstairs, he greeted them.

Bai Lu said: "Get up, go to have breakfast, keep it for you."

Gu Zhige nodded: "Oh ok..."

He glanced at Zhou Ping secretly, she was knitting a scarf without looking up.

Gu Zhige breathed a sigh of relief.

He quickly wiped out breakfast, got up and said: "I'm finished, I'm going to work first..."

Zhou Ping stopped him: "Zhi Ge, you wait."

Gu Zhige felt a little nervous: "Aunt Ping, is there anything else...?"

Zhou Ping took a look and said, "It's okay, let's go..."

Gu Zhige felt even more disturbed. He was even more anxious when he left without talking after reading.

He waited for a while, turned around, and heard Zhou Ping say to Qin Se: "Did you see it? The Yintang is dark, the purple qi palace is somewhat damaged, the brows are slightly messy, and the complexion is slightly dim. It's not important, and nothing big will happen... the next time you look at it, learn to judge by yourself."

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