You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2277:

Xiao Yuan looked down at one of her own explosive models, her original good mood was a bit unpleasant.

I didn't feel the gap between myself and the victim before, but now I feel so lost. ,

Although their family is also an ordinary well-off family, they don't feel that they are short of money everyday, but people are more maddening than people.

I don't know if Doctor Gu will dislike her in the future.

Gu Zhige politely helped Xiaoyuan open the co-pilot's door.

Madoka recovered, blushing and hurriedly said, "Thank you Doctor Gu..."

She had a collision with Xiaolu Peng in her heart. Damn, Dr. Gu is so polite, has a good family, and has a stable career. The key is to be so self-cultivation, so perfect!

It looks exactly like her boyfriend looks like in her mind. What should I do? I really like it!

Gu Zhige didn't know the waves in Xiao Yuan's heart, and he was very upset at the moment.

Because he doesn't know how to get along with girls.

Moreover, it was the first time I met a girl.

This is totally embarrassing for him, it feels even harder than asking him to be a doctor as a killer.

Gu Zhige wondered whether he wanted to speak, but how to say it wrong, what should I do to offend people?

Gu Zhige felt very tired in his heart, this kind of thing is too tired...

Moreover, it's super awkward.

On the road, the car was very quiet. Madoka peeped at Gu Zhige from time to time and was afraid of being discovered. However, how did she know that a person with super keen five senses like Gu Zhige could not be aware of it.

Madoka couldn't help clearing her throat and asked, "Doctor Gu, are you usually... very busy?"

Gu Zhige nodded: "Um...actually...fortunately, our department has a lot of patients, the hospital, where is there a spare department."

Madoka followed his words and said, "That said, being a doctor is really hard. Before, I wanted to study nurses, parents didn’t agree. They said that nurses are too hard. ...Dr. Gu, why did you want to study as a doctor?"

Gu Zhige...

How should he answer this?

I can't say that I am not a doctor, I am a murderer.


Gu Zhige sighed inwardly, and said: "I... Actually, it didn't have any purpose. At the beginning, it was not what I thought, but my family felt that I was suitable, so I was allowed to learn. I went helplessly, and after I became a doctor, I found out... They were right. I really like this profession."

Gu Zhige felt that he was right.

At the beginning... he just didn't want to be a doctor. Gu Jingyuan forced him to choose, so they were given a choice. He was forced to choose a doctor.

This answer is not pleasing, but Madoka feels, ah, Doctor Gu is so real, there is no such routine!

Originally, he thought he would hear something, save the dying and heal the wounded, dream in his heart, what kind of...

Xiaoyuan smiled and said, "I heard from Doctor Song that you are very popular in the hospital, Doctor Gu, and patients like you so much. You must be a good doctor."

Gu Zhige said: "Okay, I don't know, I can only... try to do well."

He glanced sideways at the rearview mirror, a subtle cold light flashed in his eyes.

Basically, Xiaoyuan was talking on the road, and Gu Zhige answered patiently. Although he rarely asked anything,... it made Xiaoyuan feel comfortable with him.


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