You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2278:

Gu Zhige didn't actually have much thoughts to talk to Xiaoyuan, his energy was more on the car that he had been chasing behind.

At this time, Gu Zhige was worried if the car suddenly rushed over.

If he is in the car himself, he can drive as he pleases and drive as he pleases.

However, Madoka is in the car, he has to be cautious.

He hopes that in the eyes of others, he is just a Doctor Gu.

He didn't want his identity to be leaked.

Gu Zhige speeded up quietly, and he drove very steadily, Xiaoyuan didn't notice it at all.

Gu Zhige found that he speeded up, and the car behind also speeded up.

Passing a traffic light intersection, Gu Zhige had to stop.

The car behind completely chased up and followed him closely.

Gu Zhige narrowed his eyes and squeezed the steering wheel.

Madoka asked, "Does Dr. Gu like to do anything when he rests?"

Gu Zhige divided his energy and said, "I...I usually have very little rest time. When I rarely take a break, most of them stay at home and stay with my family."

In fact, he wanted to say that I always sleep at home.

However, if you say so, you will appear to be very useless, like a salted fish!

Therefore, he said more euphemistically.

Madoka's mood is even more surging, wow, not going out to fool around, such a lover of home, really a peerless good man.

Madoka said, "Me too. When I am not working, I usually stay at home most of the time."

When the green light was on, Gu Zhige crossed the zebra crossing for the first time.

The car behind started almost at the same time.

After a while, Xiaoyuan felt something was wrong, and she asked in a low voice, ""Doctor Gu, is the prescription... a bit fast?" "

Gu Zhige explained: "Oh...Is it fast? Sorry, I'm slower... It's probably because our director often calls when I am resting, so that I can hurry up to go to the hospital. The habit of trying to step on the accelerator as soon as you hit the road."

Gu Zhige had a calm tone and threw the pot to the head of the department.

Madoka believed in Gu Zhige without even thinking about it.

"Ah, then you usually work too hard, and finally take a break and be called to work overtime."

Gu Zhige stared at the car behind him and said in a calm tone: "Suddenly being called to work overtime, this is normal. After all, working in a hospital often encounters uncontrollable things."

After Gu Zhige's speed dropped, the car behind suddenly accelerated and rushed up.

The car paralleled to the left lane of Gu Zhige's car.

On the right of Gu Zhige's car is a truck.

The car on the left suddenly came over Don't Gu Zhige, trying to put his car away from the truck.

However, fortunately, Gu Zhige was prepared early in the morning, and suddenly slammed the accelerator to the end, barely rushing past, but the rear of the car should still be rubbed.

Madoka exclaimed in surprise, and quickly grabbed the seat belt.

She exclaimed that it wasn't over yet, the car that hadn't been dignified, was hit under the train by a car coming from behind.

Gu Zhige saw this scene through the rearview mirror, and a chill flashed in his eyes.

Madoka clutched her heart and exclaimed, "That car...what's going on, is it crazy?"

Gu Zhige smiled and calmed down: "It's okay, probably because of road rage..."


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