You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2279:

Madoka didn’t think much at all. She nodded and said angrily: “Yes, there are a lot of road rage disorders now. It’s really annoying. It feels like this is really killing. If you didn’t react fast enough just now, we might really be dead now. Up!"

Madoka thought about the scene just now, and she felt lingering in her heart.

too frightening!

Gu Zhige said: "Yes, it was really almost..."

Madoka is a little worried: "However, the car is now caught under the truck. It is estimated that the driver is not in good condition."

Gu Zhige followed her words and said, "I hope... he will be all right."

In fact, what he thought in his heart was that he deserved it, and he died just fine.

Xiaoyuan bit her lip, glanced at Gu Zhige, and said, "Although I hope he will be fine, but...I still feel that he... really deserves it, he made it up for himself, and we drove well on the road. He didn’t overtake, didn’t change lanes illegally, but he suddenly asked to leave the car, or we would avoid it, we are the one who is unlucky now, so... I think he deserves it.

After speaking, Xiaoyuan felt a little nervous and asked, "Doctor you think I'm a bit vicious?"

Gu Zhige raised his eyebrows. The three views of this girl were good, at least positive.

Not too vicious, not too radical, not too Virgin, it is a normal person's thinking.

Three views are right, this is very important, this is the basic of getting along.

There were no trailing vehicles behind, and they were temporarily safe, and Gu Zhige felt a little relaxed.

He smiled and said: "Why do you ask such a question? Isn’t this a normal idea? I think so too. After all, as an adult, you must be responsible for what you do. Since he dares to In doing so, he should bear no matter what the consequences are."

Xiao Yuan's eyes lit up in an instant, and she was still worried, if she said that, would the other person think she was unkind.

However, she didn't want to deliberately pretend to say something that was too counterintuitive.

As a result, Gu Zhige's words were poking her heart.

And, obviously, Gu Zhige's words are very good, she nodded and said: "Well, Doctor Gu is right, that's how I think..."

She remembered something and asked, "But... Dr. Gu's car... seems to have been rubbed in the back. Repairs...will be expensive?"

Gu Zhige said: "It's okay. There is insurance. It should not be too serious. Don't worry."


When she reached the gate of the community where Xiaoyuan lived, she said, "Doctor Gu, just send me here..."

Gu Zhige stopped the car, "Okay..."

When the two got out of the car, Xiao Yuan blushed and said, "Doctor Gu, today...Thank you so much."

Gu Zhige politely said: "You're welcome, you should."

Xiaoyuan squeezed her phone, plucked up her courage, and said, "That...I... can I add you to WeChat."

After that, her face became even redder, and she didn't dare to visit Gu Zhige.

Gu Zhige smiled and said, " are preempting what I want to say..."

Madoka feels that the heat on her face is about to smoke, but...when you meet such a good boy, you must take the initiative, otherwise, next time you will really have no chance. Although the girl has to be reserved, but At the critical moment, it is still not too thin-skinned.

After the two exchanged WeChat messages, Madoka waved at Gu Zhige: "Doctor Gu, then...bye."

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