You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2280:

Gu Zhige nodded: "Goodbye, take a good rest."

"Then... Doctor Gu, when you go back to drive, drive slowly, don't... too fast, goodbye..." Xiao Yuan blushed and ran into the community.

Gu Zhige was very polite. After Xiaoyuan's figure disappeared, he got in the car and left.

However, as soon as he got in the car, Gu Zhige's face changed. He immediately took out his cell phone. As expected, there was a text message from the traffic control on the cell phone, asking him to cooperate with the investigation of the traffic accident that happened just now.

Gu Zhige drove directly back. At this time, there should be traffic police on the scene to deal with the accident.

He dialed Gu Jingyuan's phone number.

"Hey, twenty minutes ago, there was a car that followed me for a long time. He wanted to leave my car and got me under the truck next to me. I drove fast and rushed out, only to be smashed. At the end, his own car got under the truck. As for the life and death of people, I don’t know yet. I’m about to go to the scene of the accident. I guess the person in that car should be a killer without accident..."

Gu Jingyuan understood what Gu Zhige meant and said, "Okay, I know... If there is any accident, I will help you handle it secretly."

Gu Zhige had finished speaking and was about to hang up.

Unexpectedly, Gu Jingyuan asked!

"Right. How was your dinner today?"

Gu Zhige: "How can it be, isn't it that way."

Gu Jingyuan smiled and said, "Is there nothing special?"

Gu Zhige asked coldly, "What do you want to say?"

Gu Jingyuan: "There is nothing to say, just ask casually... I want to know, how did you eat with Song Yizhi and the others today."

"No, I'm hanging up."

After Gu Zhige finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

He frowned and thought, Gu Jingyuan was obviously asking about gossip. Could it be that he already knew that Song Yizhi was going to introduce him to someone?

But he didn't say how they knew.


Gu Zhige remembered that when he was at home, Qin Se and Zhou Ping both persuaded him to let him come to eat, and Qin Se had a weird smile when he looked at him.

Gu Zhige understood in an instant that they had already seen their feelings, but they didn't tell him.

Gu Zhige sighed, there is no secret at home, at home...the secret of your future, you don’t know it, the queen mother already knows it!

Gu Zhige soon came to the accident site. The train was still there, the front of the crashed locomotive was completely flattened, and the completely deformed car was there.

The two lanes have been sealed, and the traffic police cordoned off.

After Gu Zhige got there, he found the traffic policeman.

After talking, Gu Zhige realized that the driver who had left his car had died on the spot, and the body had been taken away.

Gu Zhige swept over the truck and the horrible car that was hit. Although it was dark, there were still a lot of blood stains on the ground.

The traffic police had already adjusted the surveillance. Gu Zhige's car was walking on the road well, and the car behind suddenly rushed up to stop him. Gu Zhige reacted quickly and stepped on the accelerator and rushed out so that he was not hit.

Therefore, in this traffic accident, Gu Zhige was not responsible. The most unlucky one was the truck driver, who drove the car in a good manner. Who caused the trouble?

The truck driver was pulling oranges in a carriage. The honest middle-aged man was squatting on the side of the road, wiping his tears, looking very pitiful.


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