You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2281:

He could only sigh that he was too unlucky. He drove the car honestly, and there were people running to find death. He didn't want to hit people.

Gu Zhige couldn't help but sympathize when he saw the truck driver.

However, in this case, the truck driver was not responsible, whether he was responsible or not, but after all, people died...

Gu Zhige was not responsible for this traffic accident. The traffic police asked Gu Zhige to come over, just to inquire about the situation at the time and record a transcript. By the way, I would like to ask whether Gu Zhige was related to the deceased.

The traffic police showed Gu Zhige his picture. He looked at him for a few seconds and shook his head: "I don't know, I shouldn't have seen this person..."

The traffic police asked some other questions and asked Gu Zhige to leave his contact information and tell him that he might be looking for him at any time in the next few days.

Gu Zhige nodded: "Of course..."

Investigating a traffic accident, of course, will not come to a conclusion so quickly.

It is estimated that they will check if it was accidental or premeditated.

However, this accident can basically be determined to be an accident.

When Gu Zhige left, he glanced at the truck driver and heard him say: "Our whole family expects me to pull goods to make money. My wife can't move, needs medical treatment, and my son has to go to school. In the future... , What about my family......"

Gu Zhige couldn't help but feel a little stuffy in his heart and a little short of breath.

He took a deep breath and walked sideways...

Ten minutes later, Gu Zhige left.

In this accident, he cannot change how the traffic control department imposed the penalty, the future, if the driver can no longer pull goods, he may be able to help him.

After all... the truck driver will be involved in this accident today, and he will also be involved.

Gu Zhige was already sure that the dead car driver was the killer in the organization.

Chongjiu failed for the first time, the female assassin failed, and the other assassins in the organization had already begun to move out.

These assassins may have arrived here very early, even before Chongjiu.

If it had only recently entered the country, the person Gu Jingyuan arranged could not be without news.

Several of the killers who entered the country recently have been found by people arranged by Gu Jingyuan. They were quietly taken away for investigation as soon as they entered the country. After all, they all carried their lives on their backs. Once they were investigated, they would definitely be arrested.

After Gu Zhige got into the car, his face was very ugly, and his eyes were filled with cold sand.

Every one of the killers in the organization seemed to be a mouse hiding in the gutter. They dared not show their faces, but dared to hide in the damp and dark corners, peeping and waiting for him, waiting for an opportunity to kill him.

You want to kill them all in one fell swoop, but you just can't.

Gu Zhige was in a very bad mood at this time.


When I got home, it was exactly 11:30.

Gu Zhige originally thought that everyone must have fallen asleep, but as soon as he opened the door, he found that one of the people in the family was sitting in the living room.

Gu Zhige was taken aback, what happened today?

He felt a little nervous: " all haven't slept, it's almost 12 o'clock."

Bai Lu smiled and said, "Aren't we worried about you!"

Zhou Ping nodded: "Yes, we are all worried about you. I heard that you almost had a car accident on the road... If we don't see you well, we can't sleep at ease."

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