You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2282:

Qin Se also echoed: "That is, we are all worried about you, regardless of your safe and secure return, everyone wants to sleep!"

Gu Jingyuan originally wanted Qin Se to go to sleep, but she disagreed and said nothing. After all, besides her heart of gossip, she also asked to prove the correctness of her judgment!

Therefore, after grinding with Gu Jingyuan for a long time, he reluctantly agreed to Qin Se waiting for Gu Zhige to return.

But before Gu Zhige came back, he forced Qin Se to go to sleep for a while.

This has just woken up for 20 minutes.

Zhen Baoer nodded repeatedly.

The corner of Gu Zhige's mouth twitched, "Should I be so moved."

Gu Zhige complained in his heart: He didn't believe it. They were really worried about his safety. They just wanted to gossip. They wanted to know how he bothered to eat, how he went on blind dates, and how he got along with other girls.

Bai Lu waved his hand: "No, with us, why are you polite?"

Bai Lu stood up and pulled Gu Zhige to the sofa, "Hurry up, come and sit down, how do you eat at night? Is there any good food, do you want me to make you a supper?"

Gu Zhige chuckled, "No, I'm a little tired today, I'm going to rest."

Bai Lu picked up her eyes: "What rest? You just went to eat a meal and didn't do anything tired can you be, unless you do other things besides eating?"

Qin Se and Zhen Bao'er glanced at each other, they blinked and seemed to say: Aunt Bai, I suspect you are driving, but I have no evidence!

Gu Zhige paused and rubbed his forehead: "I didn't do anything besides eating, so... there was a car accident. Do you think, what else can I do."

Gu Jingyuan spoke slowly: "I asked someone to check it out. The road where the car accident happened was not the way home. You had already had dinner at that time, so... you didn't go home after dinner, why did you go? Up?"

Gu Zhixin looked gossip and said: "Everyone is a family, what can't you say."

Gu Zhige: "I..."

He was a little bit dumbfounded. There really is no secret in this family. He went out and forced a blind date. After returning home, the whole family was waiting to ask about the situation, feeling like an older unmarried young man.

Bai Lu couldn't help but speak first: "Let's talk about it, how about meeting today, are girls good-looking?"

Zhou Ping: "How old is it? What's your name?"

Bai Lu: "What do you do?"

Qin Se: "How is your temper?"

Zhen Baoer: "Do you feel that you are calling? Are you agreeable to chat?"

Gu Zhixin clapped his hands: "After eating, you were in a car accident. The place where the car accident occurred is in the opposite direction from our house. Then...Did you go to send the girl off?"

Zhen Baoer exclaimed: "Wow... sent home? Development, so fast? Just when we met, went to someone's house?"

After Bai Lu opened her mouth, everybody said something to me, asking Gu Zhige to cover his ears...

He rubbed his forehead and smiled: "No...really no..."

Qin Se: "Oh, is there no development, or is it not sent home? Or... not to someone's house?"

Bai Lu couldn't help it, and said: "Hurry up, don't ink, we will see before you go, peach blossoms are here..."

Gu Zhige let out a long sigh, leaned back, and said, "Really, I can't hide anything from you."


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