You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2288:

When Gu Zhige saw this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu Zhige: That's OK, I won't go back, good night, I'm asleep.

Fortunately, there is no need to go back, otherwise, he will really have a headache, chatting with a girl, it is more tired than having an operation.

Gu Zhige turned the phone to silent, threw it on the coffee table beside the bed, and went to take a shower.

After taking a shower, Gu Zhige lay down to sleep for a second.

I completely forgot about Xiaoyuan or Xiaofang!


The next day, the whole family got up very late.

Neither Bai Lu nor Zhou Ping got up before 7 o'clock to make breakfast. Gu Zhige got up early and drove out to buy breakfast for the whole family.

When he was about to leave for dinner, Gu Jingyuan got up.

Gu Zhige picked up the car key and said, "Breakfast has been bought. You can warm it up yourself. I will go to work first."

Gu Jingyuan stopped him: "Wait..."

Gu Zhige: "What else is there?"

Gu Jingyuan picked up a cup of soy milk on the table and said, "Oh, that's the assassin who hit you yesterday. The police have already begun to verify his identity. Although he hasn't found out who it is, it has been determined that he is using it now. The identity is fake, and it will probably not be long before it will be found."

Gu Zhige nodded: "Well, then... will my mother be involved?"

Gu Jingyuan said: "What is involved in you, you are Gu Zhige, there is no problem with your identity, at most someone wants to harm you, what can you find out?"

Gu Zhige curled his lips: "Thanks, then I'm leaving..."

Gu Jingyuan was together and stopped him: "Wait, I haven't finished speaking yet, why are you in a hurry?"

Gu Zhige glanced at the time and said, "What else is there, I am leaving in a hurry, I have surgery today."

"You are a living target now, you have to be careful, I guess there are still many killers moving around you."

Gu Zhige still knew this. He said, "Well, I know, I'll be careful... Is there anything else?"

Gu Jingyuan glanced at him and said, "One more thing..."

Gu Zhige saw him look serious, and thought he was going to say something important, "You said it."

Unexpectedly, Gu Jingyuan asked: "Have you returned to WeChat with other girls?"

Gu Zhige...

The corners of his mouth twitched: "Not yet."

Gu Jingyuan immediately said: "Hurry up, you have been up for so long, and you still have time to buy breakfast? Why don't you rush back to WeChat first."

Gu Zhige had a headache: "I...Oh, why do you even do this?"

Gu Jingyuan is serious: "The eldest brother is like a father, your single problem is a common problem for the whole family."

Gu Zhige raised his hand and patted his forehead, not crying or laughing.

"But I don't know how to reply. No matter what I say, you are wrong. Just forget it. I really have to go to work as soon as possible."

Gu Jingyuan refused to let him go: "You stop, you first return WeChat before leaving, it won't take much time."

Gu Zhige refused: "I don't know how to get back. If the other party is even more unhappy, wouldn't it be worse."

Gu Jingyuan stretched out his hand: "It's okay, I'll help you back."

Gu Zhige...

Gu Jingyuan: "Hurry up, hurry up."

Gu Zhige reluctantly took out his mobile phone and handed it to him: "I think you really take this too seriously. It's just a meeting. What's more, it's said on the Internet that blind dates will never happen for a long time. It's done."

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