You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2289:

Gu Jingyuan had already clicked on WeChat and quickly typed.

Gu Zhige: Because there were several operations today, I shut down and went to bed after taking a shower last night. I just saw the message you sent that you slept so late. You still have to rest early in the future. It is not good for girls to stay up late!

After sending the message, Gu Jingyuan threw the phone to Gu Zhige: "Okay, you go, don't worry about WeChat on the way, if she returns a message to you, you don’t know how to reply, just send it to the group, we will Tell you how to get back."

Gu Zhige glanced at the news that Gu Jingyuan helped him answer, and his head grew two laps.

He nodded weakly: "Okay, I see..."

Being taught by the family how to fall in love, for Gu Zhige, it was a bit too much to be cared for, and it was weird to drive his feet, which made him feel completely suspicious of his IQ.

After Gu Zhige left, the rest of the family got up one after another.

The first thing Bai Lu and Zhou Ping do after getting up is to say: "I wonder if Zhi Ge gave the girl back to WeChat?"

Gu Jingyuan told them: "He refused. I asked him for his mobile phone and got one back for him."

The two said at the same time: "Good job, thanks to you."

Gu Jingyuan smiled: "Care for my cousin, it should be."


Gu Zhige came to the hospital, just parked the car, and happened to receive a WeChat from Xiaoyuan.

Madoka: Then don't you have to work hard today, because of my injury you went home so late yesterday, how did you rest? Will it affect today's surgery?

Gu Zhige locked the door and watched as he walked.

After scanning the content in two seconds, Gu Zhige put the phone in his pocket.

He has no bad habit of walking and playing with his mobile phone.

When he arrived at the office, Gu Zhige changed into a white coat, then took out his mobile phone and gave Xiaoyuan a quick reply: It will not affect!

After sending it, he was ready to go to the ward round, but he was taken aback for a moment and remembered that his family members said that he sent people WeChat, which always gave people a simple and rude feeling.

He hesitated for a while, or... one more sentence?

So Gu Zhige thought for a while and regretted it again: Don’t blame you, I rested quite well, in fact, I usually rest at home, and I probably slept at that time!

Gu Zhige didn't have so much time to ponder over and over again what to say in a sentence. It was gentler and better. He typed this line and sent it out if the problem was not serious, and then went to check the room.

Before I walked to the ward, I felt the phone vibrate, but Gu Zhige didn't look at it.

As a doctor, once you enter the working state, you must be serious, and you can no longer think about private matters. In Gu Zhige's heart, patients are still more important.

After checking the room, Gu Zhige went back to the office to rest. In another hour, the first operation will begin today.

After Gu Zhige sat down, he read the patient's medical record for a while, and then read Xiao Yuanhui's WeChat account.

Madoka: You’re so kind, Doctor Gu, are you working now?

Gu Zhige frowned, he wondered, where is he?

Just send her home once?

Then her judgment of good people and bad people is too simple and rude, right?

Gu Zhige decided to ignore the first half of the sentence and directly replied: I just finished the inspection of the room, and after an hour of surgery.

Madoka: Come on, Doctor Gu (??????)? You are the best!

Seeing the cute emojis behind, Gu Zhige showed a slight smile on his face.

Gu Zhige: Well, I will!


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