You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2290:

Gu Zhige ate lunch in the operating room. The first operation lasted for 5 hours before it ended.

When he came out, Gu Zhige was already very tired, but he had two more operations next and he had to hurry up and rest.

Don't care that Gu Zhige is not a professional medical student, but his learning ability is too fast.

When the killer was organized, he had a very clear understanding of human bones, muscles and blood vessels because of very rigorous training. Not to mention killing so many people, he knew the structure of the human body too well, so... even if he was not a doctor However, his foundation is much better than many professional medical students.

Therefore, there is no pressure at all to study.

In the beginning, Gu Zhige used simple stitches and mending. Later, he had bones, and later, surgery. Sometimes he felt that he was born to be a doctor. He was too suitable for this profession.

Gu Zhige returned to the office, closed his eyes and rested for more than forty minutes. It took less than an hour to prepare for the next operation.

Fortunately, the next three operations are not major operations.

Gu Zhige walked out of the operating room before 9pm.

With four surgeries a day spinning, Gu Zhige felt that even if he had better physical fitness, his walking was a little erratic at this moment.

He just ate something in the operating room at noon. He didn't eat dinner yet. During the rest, he didn't dare to drink too much water, for fear of going to the toilet during the operation.

After coming out, Gu Zhige sighed and drank a bottle of mineral water.

The nurse said to Gu Zhige: "Doctor Gu has worked hard."

Gu Zhige waved his hand: "You have worked hard too, hurry up and get off work."

Their departments are usually busy. Whether it is a doctor or a nurse, they rarely have time to rest.

If you are in a major traffic accident, accident, or the like, there are many casualties, no matter when you are sleeping at home or what you are doing, you will immediately rush to the hospital to work overtime when you call.

Gu Zhige returned to the office and rested for a while before going home.

Before he left, he glanced at his phone. In addition to @他 in the WeChat family group, he was constantly in the WeChat family group, asking about his development with Xiaoyuan today, and Xiaoyuan sent a few messages.

The first is to ask him whether he has finished the operation and did he have any meals?

The second is a photo, which was taken when she was working.

The third is that the photo is her working meal...

The fourth is that the work meal is so unpalatable.

Gu Zhige first returned to the family group and responded to everyone.

Gu Zhige: I had four operations today, and I just came out of the operating room. I don’t even have time to eat. Where can I find time to tease girls!

Qin Zheng appeared right after he posted it.

Qin Zheng: I wiped it. Old Gu, you went to tease your sister. What did I miss?

Gu Zhige: You go to the underage.

Bai Lu: Oh, your job is too late to fall in love, did Renmai send you WeChat!

Zhou Ping: Yes, did you post it?

Gu Zhige: I sent...

Then he posted these two words, and everyone in the family ran out.

Qin Zheng: Old Gu, what is your situation? Are you really in love with your sister?

Qin Se: What did you post, did you reply with someone?

Zhen Baoer: Let me say, taking advantage of the time it is not too late, hurry up and ask someone out to have a supper together.

Gu Zhixin: The baby is right.

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