You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2302:

Gu Zhixin's complexion didn't improve, he took a look at Gu Zhige and Zhen Bao'er, then picked up the phone and lowered his head not knowing what he was doing.

Gu Zhige shrugged, is he lying down?

He was wronged, he didn't know anything?

Gu Zhige was very tired today. He originally wanted to take a shower and go to bed after returning home.

But I was a little curious about Zhen Baoer's live broadcast, and after returning home, he felt that he was not too tired, so he turned and went to the kitchen.

Gu Zhige filled a bowl of porridge, came out, avoided the shooting range of Zhen Baoer's phone lens, and sat next to Gu Zhixin.

Seeing what he was trying to bind the bank card, he asked in a low voice: "What are you doing?"

Gu Zhixin snorted: "You'll find out later."

Zhen Baoer saw someone on the screen asking her, where is her boyfriend?

Zhen Baoer smiled and said: "My boyfriend... is opposite me, rushing at me... staring at me, he was watching my live broadcast with his mobile phone all the way, seeing you just asked if the handsome guy who came back was my boyfriend, he was angry Up."

As soon as the voice fell, Zhen Baoer saw it, and the screen was swiped by the luxury tanker.

The ID is called "Boer's Husband Is I, I, I, and I", and began to keep rewarding.

It seems that inspirational wants everyone to know that he is Zhen Baoer's husband.

The comments were crazy, and fans shouted and worshipped the local tyrants.

Gu Zhixin brushed 200,000 for a while, and directly rushed to the top of Zhen Baoer's fan reward list.

Moreover, Gu Zhixin is still rewarding, without stopping.

Zhen Baoer's mouth twitched as she watched, and she quickly raised her head to Gu Zhixin and said, "Stop it, don't give a reward, you are too affecting my live broadcast, this screen is occupied, how can I make up?"

Fans were so excited that Gu Zhixin's operation made everyone shouting to see the real version of the large-scale wife doting scene.

Some people commented: Bo'er husband, local tyrant, do you lack a sweeper?

Zhen Baoer sighed. Today's live broadcast was completely crooked.

Fans are now all concerned about her local tyrant male votes.

Zhen Baoer wants to cry without tears and wants to make some hard money. Why is it so difficult?

She rushed to Gu Zhixin and said: "Have you stopped, otherwise, I will really be angry."

Gu Zhixin was almost done, put down the phone, and gave Zhen Baoer a very well-behaved smile.

After a while, the screen was finally clean, and Zhen Baoer continued to put on makeup.

Some fans asked: Bo'er, your male ticket is so powerful, do you think you have a long face?

Zhen Baoer shook her head very sadly: "This way of making money is really not a sense of accomplishment."

The screen quickly appeared on the screen: Don't stop me, my old lady wants to kill you!

Bo'er's husband is me, I am me: Who dares to beat my wife, come out!

Fans: Overbearing local tyrant, protect his wife online! I have a lemon, and all my good boyfriends belong to other people!

Zhen Baoer saw that the building was crooked, and she simply ignored it.

She is using concealer to cover dark circles. In fact, she doesn't have dark circles. However, there is a concealer given by the brand that he thinks is not bad. Moreover, she wants to advertise and make money, so she uses it.

Zhen Baoer introduced the texture of the concealer, shortcomings, advantages and so on, and from time to time responded to fans' questions.

Gu Zhige had finished a bowl of porridge, threw the bowl into the dishwasher, and returned with a plate of washed cherries.

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