You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2303:

He was a little curious when he watched the live broadcast for the first time.

Gu Zhixin reached out and took two cherries from the fruit plate and threw them into his mouth, and said, "Don't look for nothing, download the live broadcast app on your mobile phone and give my wife a reward."

Gu Zhige: "I can't do it."

"Give me the phone, I'll get it for you."

Gu Zhige threw the phone to Gu Zhixin.

When Gu Zhixin downloaded it, he glanced at the chat history between Xiaoyuan and Gu Zhige.

He said first, it was not that he was peeking, it was that an unread message on the phone was too obtrusive, so he subconsciously clicked it.

I saw Xiaoyuan asking if Gu Zhige was home.

Gu Zhixin chuckled. Didn't he expect that this kid is not so straight when he teases his sister!

He downloaded the app and asked Gu Zhige to bind one of his bank cards.

Watching Gu Zhige personally gave him a reward of 20,000 yuan, and didn't care about him.

After the matter was finished, Gu Zhixin whispered: "Um... I just saw that Xiaoyuan sent you a WeChat message, asking if you got home, you can go back."

Gu Zhige was stunned for a moment, then slowly raised his head: "Have you seen?"

Gu Zhixin is a little frustrated: "I...I didn't mean it, I just...subconsciously clicked on it, oh...Anyway, you two have nothing to talk about anyway, you hurry back, I will guide you How to tease sister."

Gu Zhige...

Gu Zhixin urged: "Hurry up, you haven't been back to others, the girl must think that you are not interested in her."

Gu Zhige looked at him without speaking.

Gu Zhixin touched his nose, grabbed the phone directly, and typed a line in front of Gu Zhige: Well, I'm back, just got home...

Gu Zhixin: "Here, that's it, it's posted."

Gu Zhige gave him a glance and grabbed his mobile phone.

However, he didn't delete a line of Gu Zhi's newly typed words, and directly clicked send.

Gu Zhixin continued to watch Zhen Baoer’s live broadcast on his mobile phone. Most of the fans were still very cute. Some asked Zhen Baoer’s boyfriend, some asked about makeup skills, and some were licking the screen and shouting that Baoer’s Yan was too bearded. beated.

Amidst harmony, suddenly a very abrupt comment jumped out: Don’t guess, your boyfriend must be an old, ugly, and bald old man. The women nowadays are not good at all, and there is no bottom line in order to pay. ! I don’t know if your parents knew that you were raised by an old man for some money?

Zhen Baoer hasn't seen the comment yet, she is drawing her eyebrows seriously.

Suddenly, Gu Zhixin's head came over and cursed, "Who the **** do you say is old, ugly, and bald?"

Gu Zhixin came out too suddenly, rubbing against Zhen Baoer's hand, and then her hand was crooked and the picture broke.

But Zhen Baoer can't take care of this, she quickly pushed out Gu Zhixin's face: "What are you doing, don't affect my live broadcast, go go... stay there."

Gu Zhixin appeared in the camera for a very short time, but after a flash, everyone still saw... that face is really an old man.

Fans are already frying...

Zhen Baoer hurriedly said: "Everyone, don't pay attention to him... He is just like a powder keg, it will explode at one point."

Fans are asking Gu Zhixin to leave the country in the comments.

Zhen Baoer shook his head: "No, my husband is super handsome. I usually let him wear a mask when he goes shopping. When others look at him, I'm jealous... I can't show you..."

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