You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2451:

She shouted so clearly and loudly that everyone heard it.

Everyone turned their heads and looked over, only to see that the girl is not tall, a little fat, she is probably still in school, with a little baby fat on her cheeks, she looks very cute.

It should be her parents who have been pulling her by her side, and they seem to be reluctant to let her say, probably because they think that the people who come today are all related to relatives, and it is unnecessary to offend people.

But the girl had her own ideas, even if she was dragged by her parents, she still stood up bravely.

She took a step forward, pointed at the man and said: "He has been secretly taking pictures for a long time, I...I saw it with my own eyes..."

It was rare to panic when I heard it, and shouted, "Little girl, don't talk nonsense."

The little girl took a step back in fright: "I...I didn't talk nonsense, what I said was true, I really saw it with my own eyes..."

The man became angry and furious: "Smelly girl, whose child are you, let your parents come out, I want to see who your parents are and teach you so uneducated!"

Zhou Ping couldn’t listen to it, so she immediately stood up and said, “You are also an adult anyway, so you are intimidating a little girl like this. Do you want to be shameless? You are so embarrassed to scold others for being uneducated and don’t look at how old you are. If a little girl has no education, what kind of education do you have?"

Zhou Ping never sees others bullying children, especially this little girl, because she is only accused of helping them.

The little girl's parents also love their children. Although they don't agree with the child's way of doing this, they have no turn to reprimand their children like this.

So the little girl's mother quickly said, "That's right, my child is fine, but you, a big man, so tall and so strong, you scold a little girl, you are really not ordinary shameless."

Xu Mu said coldly: "I believe this kid can't lie. Anyway, you are also a man. Since you did the secret filming, then you admit it!"

However, even if it was so, the man still refused to admit the sneak shot. He shouted: "You...well, you... just relying on a child's words, you think I am sneaking, you are To deceive others too much, don't think that if you are rich and powerful, I will be afraid of you, I..."

He didn't finish speaking, but was interrupted by Xu's father. He said indifferently: "You are the son-in-law of the Cuiyu family, I seems to be a reporter, right?"

The jade in his mouth was a relative in the family. He didn't invite him this time, let alone the man. As for how the man got in, it probably came from somewhere else.

After the man was exposed, he became nervous: "I...I..."

Xu Mu said coldly: "Although reporters are reporting the truth, they must have their own moral bottom line. A person who has no bottom line and principles is not worthy of being a reporter. If you are unwilling to hand over the secretly filmed video today, then we It won't be difficult for you, but..."

Xu Mu paused and said, "After you get out of here, you have to pay for what you have done. You have to be clear about one thing. For us, the things you secretly photographed are just to help me last time. Search, more things that increase my visibility and influence. This is not a scandal. The reason why I don't want to expose it is just that I don't want to affect my wife's normal life."

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