You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2452:

Xu Mu added another sentence: "But... this does not mean that this can have any bad effect on us. If you are willing to help me hype, then we don’t care, but... you have to be clear about one thing, you I can’t do anything to me, but you can’t afford the price I want you to pay.”

The man panicked even more, his heart trembling a little.

After a stalemate for a few minutes, in the end, the man still admitted that he was a reporter, especially a reporter for the gossip tabloid. This time he wanted to make a splash with Xu Mu's affairs, but he did not expect Was caught.

Xu Mu's status in the entertainment industry can be imagined. He is a reporter who is not a popular tabloid newspaper.

Even if he did send out the secretly filmed video, it would actually have no effect on Xu Mu, at best it would help him become popular again.

But he was different. Xu Mu made a move and he might be completely removed from the circle of reporters.

After considering the left and right, the man deleted all the videos and photos on the phone, and ran away holding his head.

After the matter was resolved, Zhou Ping said to the little girl: "My child, thank you..."

The little girl's cheeks were red, and she asked Zhou Ping nervously, " you Qin Zheng's mother?"

Zhou Ping was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "Yes, me."

It seems that this is a fan of Qin Zheng.

The little girl's excited face became more and more rosy, and her voice trembled and said: "Great, great...Auntie, I...I am a fan of Qin Zheng, I especially like him, I...that, I should also take the college entrance examination this year. I did not study well, and it was Qin Zheng who was about to give up. He encouraged me with his actions and made me believe that I should not give up easily at any time. No matter what the result is, I will fight. One hand, you won’t regret..."

This little girl is seventeen years old and is also a senior in high school.

But because she didn’t study well before, she was a bit self-deprecating, no matter how her parents disciplined her, she would not listen...

But fortunately, she chased stars. Otherwise, she might just ran off like those little gangsters in the society, smoking and drinking and skipping class, but because of the star chasing, she spent time with a bunch of fans, so she ran to Qin Zheng Take the machine.

However, because Qin Zheng does not have many public activities, most of their fans are helpless.

However, this could not stop them from liking Qin Zheng.

Until a few days ago, Qin Zheng was eighteen years of age.

These fans, to support Qin Zheng, raise some money, buy billboards, and celebrate his birthday...

However, Qin Zheng was still reprimanded later.

Qin Zheng said that if he has money, he can't buy some snacks for himself, and can't he buy clothes for himself? Can't you be nice to yourself, why bother with those who have or not?

Although, Qin Zheng trained himself like a bear child because of this.

However, he did not show off his fans because of this. On the contrary, his fans love him even more.

This little girl, like all fans, feels that she is not the wrong person.

Later, Qin Zheng began to study hard and brush questions. He said on Weibo that he did not study well and he wasted a lot of time. He is not a genius, but he will work hard. He will be facing the college entrance examination like everyone else. Fans of fans work together to strive for the fruits of their own victory this summer.

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