You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2458:

After Qin Zheng found out, he had a big temper at home and had to chase after him. Of course, he didn't succeed.

He was picked up by Gu Zhige, and his family surrounded him and held a thought conference for him.

In the end, Qin Zheng realized his "mistake" and promised that he would not make another mess, and they let him go.

Chen Mo comforted Qin Zheng: "Brother Zheng, don't be too depressed. In fact, I think everyone is right. Although you can understand your feelings,...After all, time is running out for us... …The most important thing for us now is to study hard, and we have to prepare for the art exam. Think about it, how urgent is this time, even if you don’t sleep, I don’t think it’s enough."

The Kuaiyi exam was taken, and the two of them now have to study in addition to cultural classes, but also prepare for the art exam. The company has also arranged some courses to squeeze out some of the time for the original tutoring and writing questions.

Chen Mo took out his phone and clicked on a video, "Brother, look at this high school student. I think compared to them, we are actually enjoying the blessings, and we are all relatively relaxed, so you too Don't blame it, Aunt Ping."

The video shot was a day of a senior high school student in a relatively famous high school in China.

From the moment they wake up, until they go to bed.

Many people get up at 4 in the morning, wash their faces and brush their teeth for no more than five minutes. After the morning self-study is over, everyone ran to eat. If you walk by at this time, you will be a stranger.

The students eat super fast, they can solve a meal in a few minutes, and they have almost no time to rest.

Even after the lights were turned off at night, there were still many people studying under the lights of the corridor with books.

They are really hardworking and hardworking.

Qin Zheng said dullly: "I know."

He understands the truth, but he is still unhappy!

He wanted to go too. When he left, he also promised the little guy that he would go see it.

But now his mother went, he didn't.

Qin Zheng sighed and hoped that his mother could find the little guy himself this time and help him restore his freedom!


However, at this time, they still don't know what they mean by thinking of the little guy, and they are in trouble.

To avoid people's eyes, Zhou Ping and Xu Mu chose to travel late at night.

In the early morning, both of them were on the plane.

And two uninvited guests came to that little devil's lair.

The atmosphere of the entire cemetery was very solemn and dangerous at this time.

All the tortoises are hiding in their graves, afraid to show their heads.

Although the little guy resisted hard, but there was a treasure in the opponent's hands that was really powerful, and he was still **** in the end. There was nowhere to show his ability.

He cursed at the other party: "I, grandson, if you have the patience, you can get me out of my mind, just to help me free..."

At this moment, standing in front of him is a white Hanfu. If you ignore the environment he is in at the moment, under the night, the cool breeze blows the corners of his clothes, his whole person looks very elegant, quite a fairy wind. The meaning of truth.

Unfortunately, this is a cemetery, a cemetery, under the night, there is only a ghostly spirit here!

This person is really not someone else, he should be regarded as an old acquaintance. Although he had not met Zhou Ping before, but had already handed in several times, he also had... his apprentice.


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