You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2459:

The corner of the master’s lips rose slightly, and a smile of appreciation appeared: "Ming is not old, but his skills are not weak. In such a short time, he has become a little ghost king, but he is very suitable for refining into a puppet..."

What he calls refining into a puppet is to forcibly enclose the soul of the ghost brother in his prepared puppet body, which can then be used by him completely.

Brother Gui lived instantly when he heard it, and shouted: "I* your mother, stinky, shameless, dog thing, what are you, dare to refine Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu tore you..."

If it weren't for the fact that the master has that treasure, it really wouldn't be easy for him to catch it so quickly.

However, the treasure of the guru is specially designed to bind the soul. Once it is entangled, it will not break free unless the guru is willing to let him go.

Brother Gui has nothing to do at this time.

The master smiled: "Don't worry, if you tear me apart, you won't have a chance, but if you tear that woman away, you will have a chance in the future."

The little guy immediately understood who the woman he called.

It struggled immediately, but his soul was not a physical entity. The more he struggled, the tighter the rope entangled around his body, and it was continuously absorbing his energy.

The guru said softly and softly: "You value her very much. It's a pity... She probably has forgotten who you are long ago. You are just a useless abandoned son after she has used her. She will not care about you. She has a very happy life."

The little guy stared at the master viciously, his eyes had turned scarlet, and his murderous aura was boiling.

He wouldn't believe the nonsense of this shameless thing, that little girl, not that kind of person.

"Do you think she will come all the way to save you? It's naive. At this time, she is staying in a distant metropolis. She just passed her 18th birthday for her son. I'm married, and now I'm living a sweet married life, she won't remember you!"

After talking about the master, he said to his apprentice: "Take it away and take it away."

"Yes, Master!"

After they left, all the hidden souls came out.

"Big brother was arrested, what should I do? That man doesn't look like a good thing at first glance. Will something happen to big brother?"

"My eldest brother is so powerful, he has been arrested, what if that man wants to clean up us? I advise everyone, let's run away!"

"But, Big Brother treats us so well on weekdays. For so many years, if it weren't for him, we would have lost our souls. If this happened to Big Brother, do we really want to leave it alone?"

"Guide, what do you plan to do, what can you do? Big brother can't beat him, let alone us?"

"Could it's dangerous to just watch Big Brother like that, just ignore it?"

After this sentence, the cemetery fell into a dead silence, and no ghost spoke.

They don't want to see themselves in danger without saving, but they are too weak, they are incapable!


I know that everyone is looking forward to this paragraph, and so am I. Actually, I have already written this paragraph. I saved more than 10,000 words before going to Japan. It was all in this part. A few days ago, I could only intersperse and change other content temporarily, but I was reluctant to skip over this paragraph, so I can only fix it and write from the side, trying not to involve too much!

Looking back, the full version, how about I post my deduction space or on Weibo? If you want to see, I will announce the deduction number in a few days.

My head hurts now! Reluctant to delete, but dare not post!

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