You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2516:

Zhou Ping patted her forehead: "You're right, it's better to pretend to be... By the way, call Bai Lu and Gu Zhige, let's move separately, so that the speed is faster..."

Xu Mu asked him: "Well... wouldn't it be better to ask people from the police station for help?"

Zhou Ping shook her head: "There are a lot of tourists in that area, and the flow of people is intensive. On the police station, there is too much movement when there is a move... This matter, we have to do it ourselves."

Xu Mu made some disguise for Zhou Ping, put on a line cap, put on a black down jacket, and a mask. The whole person was wrapped up and looked very bloated, even if he really knew someone, if If she does not take off her mask, it may be difficult to recognize who she is.

Xu Mu made himself a little old man. He took an umbrella and a travel backpack on his back, and took Zhou Ping to knock on the door next door.

It was Gu Zhige who opened the door. He opened the door to take a look, and he was shocked. It took about five seconds before he recognized the two.

The two walked in, and Zhou Ping asked him, "How is your rest?"

Gu Zhige smiled and said, "I have rested, and I have eaten, so I can fight anytime."

Zhou Ping said: "Let's go, don't let you fight for now, go with me to investigate the enemy's situation, first find out where they are now, you and Bai Lu will wait for you both."

Gu Zhige said, "Okay, I can set off now..."

Zhou Ping shouted: "Bai Lu..."

"I'm coming……"

Bai Lu ran out of the room. She tried her best to maintain her exquisiteness. She just took the time to do skin care.

Bai Lu said: "I'm fine too, I can go out now."

Zhou Ping said to her: "Wear thicker, it's cold outside today."

Bai Lu quickly put on a hat, scarf, gloves, and mask, "Okay, let's go!"

The four set out, braved the wind and rain, disguised as tourists, and shuttled in the designated area.

Fortunately, the place is not large. After more than two hours of rotation, I can almost figure it out.

Four people found a restaurant with exquisite decoration and quaint and asked for a private room.

As soon as he entered, the heating came to his face, and Bailu sneezed firmly.

She said: "This southern sky is really gloomy and cold, even more difficult than our north."

Zhou Ping asked them: "What are the gains?"

Gu Zhige said: "That old tourist street should not be able to pass by, even if it is barely able to pass, it will not let vehicles pass, and there is surveillance over there..."

Xu Mu said: "On the B&B Street, vehicles can pass, but there are also two monitoring stations in the B&B. The Yuelao Temple has a strong incense and a lot of tourists. Although the place is not small, it is really not suitable for hiding. "

So, after turning around like this, there is only one place left.

Gu Zhige said: "The antique residential area is not monitored. Even if there is, it is private monitoring of the residents, and vehicles can pass through, and there are basically no shops... No accident, it should be there."

Residents who live in what seems to be a folk house should not be ordinary people. They have some money in their hands. Otherwise, they can't afford the house. The houses are all one by one. The houses are courtyard-style buildings. There are two in and out, and three in and out. Such a house , The price is quite high.

Zhou Ping said: "Fortunately, there are not many residents in that area."

Gu Zhige said: "Although there are not many, it is still a bit troublesome to be sure where the other party lives."


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