You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2517:

Zhou Ping picked up a cup of hot water, "Think of a way, it shouldn't be too difficult..."

It's almost tracked down, it can't be there, and there's no way.

Xu Mu thought for a while and said: "I think...the best thing is to ask the police station for help, go to the police station in this area, and check... the information of residents living here."

Bai Lu nodded: "Yes, I think this method is feasible, it can help us, and narrow the scope a bit, please check the police in charge of household registration."

Zhou Ping: "Okay, eat first. After dinner, I'll ask the director to help me."

You don't have to wait in the hotel to do something. Zhou Ping is not so anxious. What she fears most is waiting without news.

During the meal, Zhou Ping remembered something and said to Bai Lu: "It is said that the Yuelao Temple is very effective. You can go and worship later."

Bai Lu raised her eyebrows: "Really? When this matter is over, I really have to go and see and help me get some peach blossoms!"

Seeing that Zhou Ping was still in the mood to talk to Bai Lu about this matter, Xu Mu was worried. Zhou Ping had been sighed and did not dare to relax. If this continued, people would soon be unable to hold it!

When they ate, the master and his apprentice lived in one of the antique dwellings.

At this moment, he is preparing to refine Big Brother Ghost!


After eating, Zhou Ping and the others did not dare to waste time and went directly to the director for help.

To investigate the household registration information of residents, it is not one or two, but one piece, and that one piece of household registration information is not a casual ordinary person at home.

This is indeed a bit embarrassing.

Zhou Ping exchanged with him in order to get the director to help.

As long as he can help them investigate the household registration information of the residents in that area, she will give them fifty safety symbols at the police station.

When the director heard it, he said without saying anything-help!

Not only does it help to check the information on the Internet, but as long as they find the suspect, they can also ask the film police to help them check their household registration.

This is great for Zhou Ping and others.

The household registration police, come to check the household registration, no one can refuse.

Moreover, it should not arouse too much suspicion from the other party.

Fortunately, there are not too many people living in that area, and it is not too difficult to investigate.

Moreover, the director sent two criminal police officers who are good at case analysis to help. In the information of the residents of the mound, he helped them find several suspects.

Those who are suspicious are either going abroad, or renting the house in a foreign city, or after buying it, they have been idle for a long time without check-in information, or the kind, there are only one or two people in the house, and occasionally come back I often live here, not familiar with my neighbors.

After determining the suspect, the household registration police began to check the household registration normally.

In order not to be seen, they had to increase their workload, and the families really started knocking on their doors.

The performance is exactly the same as the normal household registration check.

Fortunately, as long as everyone is at home, they are quite cooperative.

The census police was raining, and the speed was not fast enough. Zhou Ping and the others wanted to help, but they were afraid of being recognized, so they had to endure it.

The family knocked on the door, but fortunately, some people were not at home, but they saved some time.

Gu Zhige looked at the progress and said to Zhou Ping: "A few suspicious houses have been eliminated, and we will soon reach the fifth house we suspect!"

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