You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2519:

"You are just investigating the account, not the criminal police asking about the case, and we are not criminal suspects. We have cooperated with all the necessary cooperation. What else do you want to dare?"

He didn't give the police any face, which made the two registered police officers very unhappy.

However, they couldn't say that they were afflicted, so they had to say: "What is your boss's name? We have to register here, as well as his ID number, job, age, and photo. Tell us too."

Although Wang Kui was unwilling, he could only go back and get his credentials.

After all, it was impossible for him to really fight the police, but when he turned back, he looked at the police again and did not invite them in.

After Wang Kui entered, he quickly came to the master.

"Master, two censorship police have come here to investigate the hukou."

The master gracefully poured himself a cup of tea, "You feel suspicious."

Wang Kui glanced at the tinkering jar placed in the cinnabar array. He lowered his head and said, "At first I felt a little bit, but...they seemed to be simply investigating this piece of household... "

The master nodded: "Wait later you go out, pay attention to yourself, let's talk about the situation."


Wang Kui took the guru's fake certificate and went out with the rental contract.

Outside the door, two household registration police officers were chatting quietly. ,

"I think this is a problem."

"I also think it is. Look at the man just now. He was so angry and terribly fierce. Moreover, it is obviously wrong to be so defensive against us. If there is no ghost in his heart, why should he be so afraid of the police?"

"Hush, whisper, people are out."

Wang Kui came out, handed the things to the two of them without speaking.

The two registered, and then returned the certificates and the same to Wang Kui: "Thank you for your cooperation."

Wang Kui snorted, took the things, and turned back and slammed the door.

At this time, Zhou Ping could no longer hold back in front of the screen, and she stood up rubbingly: "The breath of the little devil's head is very weak now, I have to hurry and save him..."

Xu Mu hurriedly held her: "You can't just rush in like this. We don't know what's going on inside. If you rush in like this, it will be dangerous."

Zhou Ping shook her head: "But, I'm worried that if you don't save the little devil's head, you will never see it again. There are only two people, Wang Kui and his master. His master has just recovered from a serious injury and may not be able to fully recover. If you break in, maybe you can catch him by surprise."

Gu Zhige said: "Aunt Ping, don't worry, I think Uncle Xu is right. We are rashly breaking in now, and it may be bad for you little devil. Then he only needs to use that little devil. What else can we do if we are threatening? We can only give in. I think that now that we know where he lives, we should think of a way now to see if we can outsmart it."

Bai Lu nodded: "Yeah, I think what they said makes sense. They just rushed in. It was not good for the little thing."

Zhou Ping actually knew in her heart that it was not good to break in directly, but she was scared, she was afraid that if she didn't go in again, the little things would really fall apart.

That dog guru has too many insidious methods and it is impossible to guard against.

I don't know yet, what crime the little guy is suffering.

Xu Mu shook Zhou Ping's shoulders: "Calm down, you must be calm at this time... Don't worry, I believe you can figure out a way."


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