You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2520:

Zhou Ping took a deep breath, calm and calm...

But at this time, caring is chaotic. The more you want to be calm, the more chaotic you are.

Zhou Ping clenched her fists and walked back and forth in the room.

After a while, Gu Zhige said: "Actually, I have a simpler way."

Zhou Ping and the others urged: "Any way, you can talk quickly."

Gu Zhige touched his nose: "Since I rushed in now, I can't be absolutely sure, then... let's start from the outside."

Bai Lu frowned: "Outside?"

Gu Zhige nodded: "Yes, even though that master is very good, he doesn't go out very much, but his apprentice Wang Kui always wants to come out. Before I watched the monitoring of the nearby snack street, he did it every night. Those who want to go out to eat, we haven’t gone out today. I guess we’ll have to wait two or three hours for the order. We’re not sure about dealing with that master now. We should be sure about dealing with this kid."

Xu Mu: "What you mean is, we're attacking that kid outside."

The anxious dark color on Zhou Ping's face faded a little, and he said: "You are right, grab it first, I will control him, let him tell the situation inside, and then we will take further action."

What's more, she could further control Wang Kui and let him listen to her.

Gu Zhige said: "Yes, we have to figure out what's inside first, and what's the current situation of that little guy."

Zhou Ping said: "Just do it, get ready."

She assigned a task to everyone, then prepared everything she had prepared, and waited for Wang Kui to come out tonight.


Wang Kui closed the door and went back.

"Master, it should be the investigation of the household registration. After they register, they will go to the next house."

The master nodded: "Okay, I see."

Wang Kui glanced at the formation that locked Brother Ghost: "Master, then it..."

Wang Kui was a little surprised. After they brought Big Brother Ghost back, they set up the formation and began to refine.


It was also a long time, the little devil's head was inside, still tumbling, and it hadn't been refined yet, which was a bit surprising.

The master didn't speak, he squinted his eyes with a little interest on his face.

"It really gave me another surprise... Go down."

Wang Kui nodded: "Yes..."

After he left, the master walked up to the formation and said, "Your situation seems to be a bit special. It seems that there are secrets behind you that have not been dug up..."

Brother Ghost shouted in the jar: "Go to your mother, shameless, bastard, you wait for me, I go out and tear you..."

"Don't struggle. If you can't get out, no one will come to save you."



It was almost 10 o'clock in the evening, and Wang Kui waited for his master to meditate and went out quickly.

He wasn't the one who walked the fairy tale, he wanted to eat.

The food on the snack street nearby was so delicious that he couldn't resist it.

So I ran out to eat every night and went back when I was full.

Today, because of something, it was a little late to come out, and it was still raining outside. He was worried that the restaurant would be closed.

After coming out with an umbrella, walk fast all the way.

However, I don’t know what’s going on in ten minutes. I’ve been walking for almost 20 minutes, but it hasn’t arrived yet!

He didn't care at first, but when he found out, it was too late.

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