You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2552:

As long as Zhou Qingyang is willing to drink, that's good!

He doesn't believe it, and it won't work out in the end!

Probably because it was too cold before. In order to warm up, Zhou Qingyang drank a lot of wine in one breath, and, probably in the past few years, he was too depressed. Therefore, this one started the wine ban, and it feels that the more you drink, the better. , It means that the car can't stop.

When Zhou Qingyang wants to drink, Wang Kui is naturally happy, he can't wait to pour him all three bottles of wine.

Not much time, Zhou Qingyang had already drunk half a bottle, at this time, his face was already red!

He spoke a little bit more than before, but Wang Kui felt that it was not very safe. It would be better to let him drink more!

So he poured seven or eight cups into him again, and Wang Kui dared to ask when Zhou Qingyang's eyes had lost the clearness of the past.

He asked: "Master, how are you feeling now, are you still cold?"

Zhou Qingyang: " cold anymore...warm...very..."

He was already speaking with a big tongue, and he was obviously drunk.

Wang Kui didn't dare to ask immediately. He was afraid that Zhou Qingyang was pretending, and he was used to it cautiously. He didn't dare to enter the subject so quickly: "Master, how is your body now? Can you move?"

Zhou Qingyang seemed to be trying very hard to move his hand: " bitch...that bitch...harms me..."

Wang Kui immediately cursed: "Yes, that **** is really hateful. Master has always been a stunning figure in my heart. No one can compare to you in this world, but now, You can only lie here and cannot move because you were killed by that bitch. I hate that you can't kill the **** and avenge you, Master..."

Zhou Qingyang left some saliva at the corner of his mouth, his eyes were grains of rice, and he said: "So...dead, it' her..."

Wang Kui followed: "Yes, it's too cheap for her, so she should be slashed a thousand times. It's...what a pity..."

He glanced at Zhou Qingyang and said, "Master, why don't you let me in when that **** is about to die, and get her out, I will torture her..."

Zhou Qingyang's face showed a touch of regret: "Go in... can't get in... can't get in..."

Wang Kui was very sorry to ask, "Ah, I can’t get in. Isn’t that a shame, Master, is there really no way to get her out? Think about it, just let her die, is it cheaper for her? Look at what he did to you. If... if you will be like this for the rest of your life, lying on the bed motionless, what do you do? Master, she ruined you..."

Zhou Qingyang's reason has gradually blurred, and he can't speak clearly: " can only make that **** cheaper..."

Wang Kui was not reconciled and continued to ask: "Why, Master, is there no way?"

Unexpectedly this time Zhou Qingyang actually said very decisively: "There is..."

He paused before continuing: "But...but..."

Wang Kui asked immediately: "But what master?"

Zhou Qingyang stammered: "But...but, she wants to live...unless I...I..."

Wang Kui pricked his ears to hear, what is it...

However, he found that Zhou Qingyang seemed to be drunk and fell asleep.


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