You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2553:

Wang Kui stretched out his hand anxiously and shook Zhou Qingyang two times: "Master, Master... Would you like to have two more glasses, Master..."

Zhou Qingyang made a vague sound in his throat, and didn't hear what it was.

"Master, you just said, unless something..."

Zhou Qingyang didn't make a sound anymore, he was so drunk that he couldn't wake up at all.

Wang Kui cursed in his heart: tmd, almost, almost succeeded...

Let Zhou Ping live, unless something.

Wang Kui wandered around the room anxiously, and the longer time passed, the more disadvantaged it was for Zhou Ping and the others.

Wang Kui thought of Zhou Qingyang's last words. He thought Zhou Qingyang really hated Zhou Ping, but what caused him to give up the opportunity that could torture Zhou Ping. Wang Kui felt that there were probably only two reasons.

First, Zhou Qingyang didn't believe his apprentice, thinking that Wang Kui might not help him if Zhou Ping was released.

Second, that was Zhou Qingyang's method, which would cause him harm, otherwise, he had no reason to let Zhou Ping go.

At present, Wang Kui thinks that there are both methods, but he is not sure which will be.

Zhou Ping's life was dragged by Zhou Ping, and Zhou Ping's life was dragged in Zhou Qingyang's hands, so Wang Kui did not dare to act indiscriminately.

He can only wait...

Zhou Qingyang was drunk and woke up until it was almost dark until the afternoon.

After waking up, I saw Wang Kui guarding by his bed, dozing off.

Zhou Qingyang felt better about Wang Kui in his heart. At this time, he could not leave him without abandoning him, and he was more considerate than the one he had taken care of before. This apprentice, he received well.

Zhou Qingyang coughed twice and Wang Kui woke up.

Wang Kui deliberately pretended to be asleep. He estimated that Zhou Qingyang was about to wake up. He probably pretended to fall asleep due to exhaustion. He was right next to his bed. He couldn't let go of an opportunity to show favorability in front of Zhou Qingyang, and let him give up on him as much as possible. Own doubts.

Wang Kui saw Zhou Qingyang when he woke up, with a look of surprise on his face: "Oh, master, you are awake, how is it? The headache does not hurt, you are drunk today..."

"I've always prepared hot tea for you. Take a sip first!"

Said Wang Kui poured a cup of hot water, helped Zhou Qingyang to feed the cup to his mouth!

Zhou Qingyang drank two glasses of water in one breath.

He really has a terrible headache right now, and he can't help his body after drinking so much alcohol at once.

Wang Kui asked: "Master, are you cold or hungry? There is nothing to eat at home. The morning dishes are still reserved. You want to eat, I will heat it up for you..."

There are actually other ingredients in the kitchen, but Wang Kui insists on saying that they are gone, hoping to make Zhou Qingyang feel a sense of crisis.

Without food, he is now physically and cannot hold it for two days.

Zhou Qingyang frowned, "I'm not hungry now..."

Wang Kui nodded: "Okay, when you are hungry, tell me, I'll heat it up for you."

Zhou Qingyang asked: "How is it outside?"

Wang Kui replied: "The dark clouds in the sky outside are getting darker and darker, but there is no movement, but once in the middle, it seemed that someone was ringing the doorbell for a long time. I couldn't go out to open it. I waited for a while. People left..."

Zhou Qingyang nodded without speaking.

Wang Kui sighed, "Master, that woman is dying too, hey, I'm really sorry that I can't kill him personally to avenge you."

Zhou Qingyang replied casually: "Although I regret that I cannot personally make that woman worse than dead, but for the sake of my own life, I can only do that..."

This sentence made Wang Kui's heart suddenly clear, his eyes changed when he looked at Zhou Qingyang.

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