You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2567:

Zhou Ping smiled and said, "Don't give too much hope. When we went last time, your little brother almost ran away. Your eldest brother does not seem to be that important to them."

"It’s okay. When I go back, they will definitely come back slowly. We are not easy. They should run. After all, they are all so weak. Even if they want to save me, they don’t have the ability. Come here. It's also looking for death."

Zhou Ping said nothing else: "I will send you back tonight."


After Zhou Ping and the others washed, they went to the restaurant downstairs for breakfast.

During the meal, Gu Zhige asked, "What's wrong with this little guy, is there something wrong? Helping him find the original body, why does he seem to be very repulsive and reluctant?"

Zhou Ping nodded: "Yeah... why don't you want to."

Xu Mu said: "I think something must have happened. He was not like this before. When we left last time, he told me, let me remind you when I get home, don’t forget what you promised him, how can this change? Up?"

Zhou Ping sighed...

Yes, something must have happened, but what is it that will make a guy who has been thinking about it, wanting to leave here, and wanting to release his imprisonment, suddenly reluctant.

Isn't this what he has been longing for?

Gu Zhige asked: "Aunt Ping, he doesn't want to, what shall we do?"

Zhou Ping said: "Send him back first, and then we will take a look at some of the places we marked before coming."

She still hopes that she can take Big Brother Ghost back, not only because she promised him at the beginning, but also because she feels that she can't bear to keep him as a child and continue to stay here alone.

Xu Mu nodded: "Well, that's all we can do. Let's find it secretly, and don't tell him first."

Zhou Ping's heart is not so good at the moment, she secretly sighed, hoping that it will go smoothly, and she must be left with something else.

However, let the little guy tell her first, why did she suddenly change her mind?

This shouldn't be...


At night, everyone sent Brother Ghost back to the cemetery.

Late in the winter, the cemetery was extremely cold.

Probably because there are no wandering spirits and ghosts inhabiting recently, the Yin Qi here is not as strong as before.

Zhou Ping released the ghost brother: "Look, your little brother has run away, and no one will welcome you."

"It's not a big deal. Recruit if it's a big deal. Lao Tzu is so powerful. There are too many younger brothers who want to ask Lao Tzu to protect. Don't worry about it. Look at it. When you come to see me next time, the whole mountain will be My little brother."

Just after speaking, I heard a pleasantly surprised voice: "Boss..."

Zhou Ping turned around, but saw that they came the first night and told them that Big Brother Ghost had been caught, and he floated over.

He floated over and flew around Big Brother Ghost. He cheered and said, "Boss, you are finally back. I know you must be fine. I've been here waiting for you."

"That is, Lao Tzu will definitely be fine, even if your kid still has a conscience, you didn't run."

"Because I believe in the boss..."

When they are happy, Zhou Ping said: "You take a good rest, we will see you again in a few days, but you'd better not run around recently, you are too bad now, I will post a few talisman to you, lest any one is not long Eyes, I want to go in and trouble you."

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