You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2568:

"It's still a little girl, you think well, OK, then I'll lie in it first recently, and I won't go anywhere."

Zhou Ping let him in. Around his luxurious cemetery, she painted the talisman with a pen. She worried that if the sticker talisman might be seen by the tomb-sweeper, she would expose it easily. Moreover, in the past two days, there seems to be still Rain, another rain will get wet.

It is better to paint.

After the drawing was finished, the voice of Brother Ghost came from the grave: "Oh, my own nest is still comfortable. Just go back and don't worry about me."

Zhou Ping said, "Well, we will come again in a few days."

Unexpectedly, Brother Ghost said, "Eh, no, I'll be hibernating this trip, and I won't come out for a while. You can go home and leave me alone. I'm fine."

Zhou Ping and Xu Mu glanced at each other, it was driving them back.

Zhou Ping smiled: "But I don't worry about you. Take a good rest. I will come back in a few days."

"No need, no need, really no need..."

Zhou Ping said seriously: "I want it. It's all because of me. If I didn't pull you to help last time, you wouldn't be involved. In the grievances between me and Zhou Qingyang, he would not attack you."

"You said that your little girl's movie is so stellar, that dying pervert, his own heart is bad, what does it have to do with you, even if he saw a powerful ghost king like Lao Tzu last time, he would have been wronged by Lao Tzu. , Who made Lao Tzu so cute, okay, okay, you go, I have to take a good rest, don’t bother me..."

The words of Brother Ghost seem to be filled with impatience.

"Well then, let's go first."

Zhou Ping said to Xu Mu and the others: "Go back first."

After everyone left, Brother Ghost crawled out of the grave and sat on the head of the grave looking at Zhou Ping and their backs in the dark.

The little bit floated over and sat beside him: "Big brother, what's the matter with you, you are not happy?"

Brother Ghost: "No, I'm very happy."

"But... I think you seem to be in a bad mood. Why, you came back so nicely, uh... Although the cultivation base seems to have been damaged a lot, isn't it?"

After Chen Mo for a while, Brother Ghost said: "When you have always thought that something you have identified, suddenly one day, it is completely reversed, what will happen to you?"


"Hey, you don't understand after I told you, adults' troubles, what do you know about a little thing."

Xiaodudian looked confused!


The car starts.

Bai Lu first spoke: "The more I think about it, the more wrong it becomes. Why does he always want to drive us away?"

Gu Zhige: "He doesn't want us to look for it, his original body is now."

"Why don't you let us find it? This used to be the wish he always wanted to realize. Why suddenly change? It's too weird. If we don't let us find it, we have to go quickly, unless..."

Everyone is silent...

The car was driving quietly on an unmanned highway.

There was silence in the carriage, and everyone's face was dignified at the moment.

Finally, Zhou Ping began to speak slowly: "Unless...he already knows it?"

What is it that can make a person change the goal he has been pursuing? Except that he already knows the answer, Zhou Ping can't think of any other explanation!


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