You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2569:

Gu Zhige drove, staring at the road ahead. He said, "I already know, but he doesn't tell us, and he doesn't want us to find it, then..."

He paused and did not continue.

Because he felt that the little guy, the answer he knew, might be very bad.

Otherwise, he would not fail to tell them, would not refuse them to help him.

Zhou Ping sighed, "It's a bit complicated."

Bai Lu asked: "You said, let's turn around now and ask straightforwardly. Will he tell us? "

Gu Zhige: "No."

Xu Mu nodded: "I definitely won't say it."

Bai Lu wondered: "Hey, didn't he remember what happened before he was alive? He doesn't know what he died, so why did he suddenly know?"

Xu Mu replied: "This... must restore the memory, otherwise, how would he know?"

Bai Lu scratched his head: "Ghost...Ghosts can be like humans. Can they recover after losing their memory?"

Gu Zhige's eyes suddenly lit up: "No, it's impossible that after being caught by Zhou Qingyang, he was brutally manipulated, and then... the memory was restored after being hit by mistake? Just like in a dog blood drama. ?"

Xu Mu and the others, look at me and I look at you, and then said together: "It feels like it's very possible."

Gu Zhige asked Zhou Ping: "Aunt Ping, what do you think? Do you think so?"

Zhou Ping said: "It should be the same as what you said. It is the memory restored in Zhou Qingyang. Otherwise, there is no other reason. He has been dead for nearly a hundred years, and he has lost his memory for a hundred years. Until now, it should have been stimulated by external forces that made him remember."

"Then what shall we do now?"

Zhou Ping sighed: "I still have to help him, no matter what I want, I have to find it before saying it."

If this answer is really bad, and it's not good for him, then after finding it, Zhou Ping can choose not to know, just as it didn't happen, then go to see him and return to the Imperial Capital.

If the opposite is the case, then the imprisonment must be lifted, his original body will be buried, and he will be taken away.

"After we go back, let's study the map."

"it is good!"


After a rest night, Zhou Ping and the others began to investigate one by one according to the suspected locations drawn on the map before coming.

But after looking for two days and running a few places, nothing was gained.

Instead, Zhou Ping made two deals and made a small amount of money.

Four days later, there is still no gain.

The suspicious location has almost been seen.

They almost broke their running legs. After eating at night, they collapsed on the sofa, and they began to look at the map again.

Bai Lu said with emotion: "Hey, it seems that it is not so easy to hide a corpse in this huge city. Where is it? The modern urban architecture is so hot, and the landmark buildings have been demolished for a few rounds..."

Gu Zhige: "Yes, just such a demolition method should have exploded long ago!"

Bai Lu: "Is it possible, as the little guy said, his body may have been gone?"

Zhou Ping shook her head: "No, there must be, otherwise he won't be locked here, there must be something missing...look for..."

After an hour, everyone had no goals.

Suddenly Bai Lu kicked Zhou Ping with his foot: "Hey, Lao Zhou, look at this place, isn't this the Yue Lao Temple you told me that day?"

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