You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2570:

Bai Lu took the electronic map searched out on the tablet, enlarged a point, and sent it to Zhou Ping.

Zhou Ping took a look: "What's wrong, you are really ready to go to worship. You will go again before we go back."

Bai Lu patted her: "Oh, who told you this, what I want to tell you is, I checked, this temple has a history of nearly one hundred and fifty years, and it has always existed without suffering. Although the temple was not big due to the war, the locals said that the temple is very good for marriage, and the incense has always been good. In 2011, the city planned for the city and originally wanted to rebuild it, but there are many near Yuelao Temple. The residents ran to protest, not allowing reconstruction or movement."

Zhou Ping was surprised: "Yue Lao Temple..."

Bai Lu nodded: "Yes, the local people say that this old moon temple is extremely effective. If it is really rebuilt, it will definitely disturb the gods. Therefore, over the years, it has been kept as unchanged as possible. Some repairs, so, I think, it has a history of nearly 150 years. There is no war nuisance in the middle, and there is no renovation and reconstruction. Is this place possible?"

Zhou Ping heard Bai Lu say this and nodded: "You are right, it is also possible here..."

Just, Yuelao Temple, hiding the body? This doesn't seem to be linked together.

This is why Zhou Ping painted some old places in this city, but did not visit the Yuelao Temple.

Because of its location, it is a relatively lively tourist area in the city. There are so many people coming and going every day. Moreover, the surrounding buildings have been renovated several times. This month old temple Zhou Ping originally thought that it should be. Has been rebuilt.

If Bai Lu happened to see it, Zhou Ping would not pay attention to this place.

Gu Zhige said: "Anyway, we don't have a clue right now. It's better to go to the Yue Lao Temple tomorrow. Maybe we can find any clues. Even if it doesn't, there is no loss for us. wrong?"

Zhou Ping nodded: "That's right, you can check it out tomorrow."

She took the tablet and looked through the information about the Yuelao Temple found by Bai Lu.

I don't know, this look is really novel.

Because there are so many legends about this month old temple.

However, no matter how many legends there are, the locals, especially the old residents living in that area, for several generations, are very convinced that the Yuelao Temple is really blessed by gods, and it is really very effective.

Therefore, some elderly people are reluctant to leave the area anyway.

Zhou Ping read all the legends circulating one by one and said: "This Yue Lao Temple seems to be really interesting!"

"Yeah, I originally thought this was an ordinary Yuelao Temple, but I didn't expect that the people in that area would rather not have a huge amount of demolition money than let the government demolish him for reconstruction."

For some ancient buildings that are hundreds or even thousands of years old, a Yuelao Temple with only one hundred and fifty years old is really not worth mentioning.

Moreover, nowadays, whenever it involves the demolition of the city, the compensation can really make a family rich overnight. However, the local residents would rather not let it be demolished. It can be seen that this month old temple is very important to them. important.


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