You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2571:

Moreover, the municipal party committee has been thinking of Yue Lao Temple more than once in the past few decades, but it has failed.

In recent years, due to the local tourism industry relying on the film and television city, Yuelao Temple has gradually become a place that people must visit. Gradually, no one will be thinking about Yuelao Temple anymore.

This temple was preserved.

Xu Mu came over: "Let me see."

Zhou Ping handed him the tablet.

After Xu Mu looked at it, he said: "This Moon Old Temple, I seem to have heard people mention that some artists who come to film in the studio will go there to worship when they are resting..."

Bai Lu asked: "Really useful? Can you find someone after worshiping?"

Xu Mu shook his head: "Well, I really don't know... I am not familiar with them, so why would I ask this?"

Zhou Ping glanced at him: "You haven't been there"

Xu Mu immediately shook his head: "No, I have never, before I knew you, I didn't believe this at all, and I don't believe it either. I will have someone right after I pay my respects to Yue Lao..."

Gu Zhige also leaned over and said: "When you say this, I am becoming more and more curious. No, tomorrow is over. I have to pay my respects and see if I can find someone soon."

Bai Lu stretched out his hand and patted Gu Zhige's shoulder: "If you don't change your straight man's thinking, you will be very easy to find someone."

Gu Zhige: "..."


At dawn, the sky is blue, and it is a rare sunny day.

However, although it is sunny, the temperature is not high.

Zhou Ping and the others drove there just after 7 o'clock after breakfast.

Their purpose is not to go there to worship the old moon, but to try their luck and see if there are any corpses of little devil heads in the temple.

It's a tourist attraction again. If you go later, the crowds will swarm over. Where can they look good.

Therefore, it passed early.

Go to the place, find a parking lot, park the car, and they walk over.

Although this point is still a few minutes or less than eight o'clock, there are still scattered tourists.

They found Yuelao Temple smoothly according to the points on the map.

The door of Yuelao Temple has been opened. After a hundred years of wind and frost, it is indeed a little shabby. There are two stone lions in front of the door, and in the middle of the courtyard, there is a big willow tree... a big willow tree...

It seems that three adults may not be able to hug together.

On the willow tree, the red rope is tied slowly, some are high, some are low.

Entering the door, I saw the gray-haired Temple Zhu Zheng crouched, cleaning with a broom.

He is really old. It seems that he must be eighty or ninety years old.

After Zhou Ping and the others entered, he did not find them.

He was sweeping very seriously, and he was wearing a shabby Taoist suit that had been patched up several times. The clothes should be the same as him, for some years.

Gu Zhige looked around, "As soon as I walked in, did you feel a chill?"

Zhou Ping said lightly: "There is no coolness, the shade is almost the same..."

As soon as he entered, Zhou Ping felt that this temple was not ordinary. It would have been over a hundred years old. However, the building in the temple did not seem to be seriously damaged, and the surrounding area was very quiet. The door seemed to be there. The sound insulation function is the same, as if it can isolate part of the outside sound at once.

Moreover, the temperature is lower than outside.

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