You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2574:

Zhou Ping approached Yuelao Elephant. The jade elephant under the head, like the cloak on Yuelao's body, was spotlessly clean on the top and shoulders, where dust was easy to fall.

This month’s old temple’s blessings are already very old, and he seems to be able to fall down at any time when he walks. He will definitely not clean it. There seems to be no one else in this temple, so he should just be the old temple blessing. A person, at most a pilgrim nearby, might come to clean.

However, it will never be so clean.

Zhou Ping glanced at her feet. There were bluestone slabs. The short distance from the door to the futon in front of the Yuelao Elephant should be the place where people walk the most. There are several bluestone slabs that have been polished and shiny.

Zhou Ping looked around carefully in the hall.

She was absolutely certain that a dust-removing magic circle must have been cast down here, and she saw all the corners, and there was no dust at all.

Such a small temple is so particular, you say he is an ordinary Yuelao Temple who believes it.

Moreover, this dust-removing magic circle, superimposed with other magic circles, protects this hall very well.

There is no dust, no mice, and no spider webs. The place is clean as if it was just built.

Zhou Ping took a breath of air, floating in the air, leaving the smell of burning incense over the years.

Oh, Zhou Ping almost forgot, the house beam paintings here have not faded at all.

If it weren't for knowing in advance, this is an old temple with a history of 150 years. Zhou Ping really thinks that this is a newly built temple.

Although Zhou Ping was strange in her heart, there was no resentment here, but Zhou Ping was very curious about the story behind this temple, which caused the people who built the temple to do so much effort.

Zhou Ping asked them: "Do you think it seems like..."

Before she finished speaking, Gu Zhige nodded: "Yes!"

Zhou Ping smiled and said, "I haven't finished speaking yet."

Gu Zhige: "Anyway, I think it has everything. This small temple doesn't look big, but it's not ordinary at all."

"You are right, this small temple, don't look small, it's inside, but it's not ordinary at all..."

Zhou Ping saw Bai Lu raising her head and staring at one place, and asked her, "What are you looking at?"

Bai Lu said: "I'm looking at this statue... Hey, if you look at the facial features carefully, I think it seems quite alive, but it's not the same as the statues I've seen in other places before, and you know that. Yes, the statues in the ancient temples, in addition to the Buddha statues, especially the small folk temples, the statues are actually painted a know."

Zhou Ping smiled: "I think this is similar to what I have seen before?"

Bai Lu pulled her to where she was standing: "No, you didn't look carefully, you look at the facial features, look carefully, especially when the sun falls on your face, is it very vivid?"

When Bai Lu first entered the door, he felt that apart from being clean and bright in color, this statue was no different from what he had seen before.

However, just now, when the morning light fell into the hall and just fell on the face of the child at the bottom right of Yuelao, Bai Lu felt that it was strange to look good. The facial features seemed to have undergone a very magical light and shadow change in an instant. People feel that the eyebrows seem to suddenly become alive.

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