You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2575:

Gu Zhige and Xu Mu both leaned over: "Let me see..."

The three of them stared at it carefully, looking at it for a while, with a blank expression: "No? Isn't this still the case?"

Bai Lu looked outside, there was still sunshine just now, how could it be covered by clouds now.

"Oh, no, wait. The sun seems to be gone right now. When the sun shines in and just falls on the face of the statue, it will change in an instant. Don't blink..."


The three of them waited, but after waiting for a while, no sunlight just came in.

Gu Zhige's eyes were a little cramped, and he said: "Oh, I think you misunderstood 80% of them. Forget it, don't read it. I'd better ask for a marriage first. It's a rare occasion."

Zhou Ping and Xu Mu glanced at each other, "Let’s wait and see again."

Bai Lu stretched out her head to look outside, hey, what's going on, how can the sunshine go away.

Gu Zhige was already kneeling in front of the futon, closed his eyes, folded his hands together, and said, "I heard that your old man is very effective. Today I...No, believers came here specially for their marriage. You see, I am also a big brother. Take time out and arrange a better partner for me, please."

Zhou Ping and the others almost didn't laugh when they heard this.

Bai Lu hurriedly covered her mouth in order to prevent herself from laughing.

After Gu Zhige's begging, he reached out and picked up the puck, and then it shook.

After a while, a sign finally fell out.

There were two signatures on it. Gu Zhige looked at it for a while, but couldn't understand what it was. He handed it to Zhou Ping: "Aunt Ping, can you help me see it?"

Zhou Ping waved her hand: "I can't. I don't understand this signature. My major is not doing this. You should spend money to find Miaozhu to resolve the signature."

Gu Zhige scratched his head: "Okay..."

He took the sign and went to the temple at the door: "Master, can you show it?"

This time Miaozhu finally spoke. He raised his drooping eyelids and asked, "What do you want?"

His voice is old and rough, just like his age, it makes people feel the endless vicissitudes of life...

Gu Zhige said: "Marriage."


Gu Zhige: "What?"

"Won the lottery, the time has not arrived, Hong Luan will not move."

Gu Zhige frowned, the time has not arrived, and the target depends on the timing. What is this, he asked: "Then how long do I have to wait for my Red Luan star to move?"

Miaozhu's muddy eyes glanced at the small blackboard and said nothing.

Gu Zhige immediately understood: "Okay, you are afraid that I will not give the money, right? I will give the money now."

He clicked on WeChat, scanned the QR code and paid, and said: "Unsigned...One hundred and eighty-eight..."

Temple wish: "There is still a sign."

Gu Zhige paused when he entered the password, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "Don't worry, why would I lose that money? I will pay 188 and then 88. I am not worried about confusion?"

After paying 188, Gu Zhige swept again and paid the eighty-eight request for signing.

Gu Zhige took the payment record to Lao Miaozhu and took a look: "Look, you have paid now, can you rest assured? You can tell me, I am waiting, when will I have to wait?"

Miaozhu glanced at him again and said: "You made a mistake in the first half of your life, you took too many detours, and your marriage was twisted in the second half of your life. Wait...the time is up, it's almost here..."

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