You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2586:

Zhou Ping said: "I can't take care of that much now. If I really come to my family, I will say... I went to the wrong place."

The tomb urged: "You hurry up, tell me..."

Zhou Ping looked around. Someone seemed to be looking here in the distance. She immediately asked: "You tell me honestly, do you know where your original body is hiding?"

There was a surprise from the tomb: "Huh?"

"Why would you ask? If I knew, wouldn't I run over by myself?"

Zhou Ping asked, "You are lying, do you know it yourself?"

"No, don't talk nonsense, I really don't know... Do you know that mine always wants to find the original body quickly? If I know, will I wait for you to ask?"

Zhou Ping said, "Yeah, you always wanted to find the original body quickly, but... you don't want to recently. Since you rescued you from Zhou Qingyang, you have been avoiding this. I can see that you don't want to After finding your original body, I was thinking about what it is that will make you give up what you have been insisting on. I think... Except you already know it, it seems that there is no other answer."

After Zhou Ping finished speaking, there was no sound in the grave for a long time.

After a long time, Brother Ghost came back: "Yes, you are so smart, then you should know, now that I know, but still avoid it, it shows that to me, I don’t like this answer, and I don’t want to let it. You know, that's why I refused to tell you."

Zhou Ping: "You can tell us, maybe we can think of ways to help you, I..."

Brother Ghost interrupted Zhou Ping's words, "But have you ever thought that I don’t need your help? Since I don’t tell you, it means that for me, I don’t want to be known by others, and I want to hide it. Come down, I know you, I, and I’m good, but... can you not always say wishful thinking for me, can you decide what I want to do without asking my wishes?"

His voice was loud, as if venting, roaring.

Zhou Ping was stunned, her face was a bit pale.

She always wanted to accomplish what was promised to him in the first place, to get him out of the confines of this city, to follow them, and not to be alone in the future.

However, now that he suddenly said this, Zhou Ping was a bit uncomfortable for a while.

Xu Mu stepped forward and put his arms around Zhou Ping's shoulders.

He said: "Can you kid, don't be like this..."

Zhou Ping took his arm, "Don't say it yet."

Gu Zhige was also a little surprised at this time. He stepped forward and said, "Don't be excited, maybe we want to help you find the original body too much, so we didn't think about anything else. If you really don't want to, then we... …I will not force it, after all, everyone has their own secrets."

There is no sound in the grave.

Gu Zhige sighed. He bowed his head and said to Zhou Ping: "Aunt Ping, if he really doesn't want to, then forget it. We also have secrets that we don't want to be known. Maybe this matter is really... …Not so good, so that he does not want to make it public... Let’s not force it too much."

Although Zhou Ping was a little sad, she was okay, she had experienced a lot of things, and this matter couldn't cause her too much shock.

She said: "You are right. I was too wishful thinking. I never asked if you would like it or not. I'm sorry..."

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