You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2587:

After a while, the voice of Brother Ghost came from the tomb: "Let's go, I don't want to mention this, and I don't want anyone to know, I just want to hide it like this, and hide it forever."

He deliberately behaved very unreasonably, ignorant of good and bad, which was annoying.

He was afraid that Zhou Ping would see some flaws.

Zhou Ping sighed: "Okay...then, let's go...something at home, we have booked a flight ticket to go back in the evening. Later...I will see you when I have time."

Brother Ghost in the tomb was stunned for a few seconds when he heard Zhou Ping and the others were leaving.

Then pretended not to care, and deliberately said in a somewhat perfunctory voice: "I'll talk about it later."

In the future, he may not have a future.

Next time, when she comes, this grave will really be empty.

Zhou Ping: "Then let's go."

"let's go……"

Xu Mu patted Zhou Ping's shoulder gently, "Don't be sad."

Zhou Ping raised her head and smiled: "It's okay, I'm not sad..."

She glanced at the tombstone again: "Goodbye."

Brother Ghost: "Hmm..."

After they were gone, Brother Ghost floated out of the tomb and secretly watched their departure.

His condition is worse than when Zhou Ping and the others met last night.

He didn't dare to be let Zhou Ping see what he was like now. If she had seen it, even if he said more cruel words, she would not leave so easily.

As a soul, there are obviously no five senses, but he feels so sad, so sad...He feels like a heavy stone in his heart, which makes him unable to breathe.

He drove away the people who cared about him most in the world.

If he could, he didn't want to do this, but he really couldn't help it, he was already like this...there was powerless, so don't make them feel sad.

Rather than let them know, even if the original body is found, nothing can be restored.

That simply made them think that he was so bad-tempered, he didn't know good and bad, he was so disgusting and not worthy of being cared about.

At least, when I think of him later, I won't be so sad.

After getting in the car, Xu Mu said: "This kid, his temper is really bad..."

Zhou Ping said, "Maybe that secret is indeed, not very good for him. Everyone has a secret. He doesn't want to. We can't help it. Maybe, wait someday, this secret will no longer be a burden for him. , It won’t make him feel uncomfortable anymore, and then I can help him.”

She said: "Let's go, let's go back, rest, and go home at night."

Gu Zhige started the car and returned to the hotel.

They went back to the hotel room, Bailu was not awake yet.

Zhou Ping and their moods were not very good at the moment. After they went back, they all went back to their rooms.

At noon... everyone went downstairs to eat.

At this time, Bai Lu had already learned from Gu Zhige what happened to them in the cemetery, so he winked and didn't ask anything.

She didn't even comfort Zhou Ping.

Bai Lu knew that Zhou Ping did not need comfort at this time.

Moreover, at this time, nothing is easy to use.

Let her digest it slowly.

During the meal, Zhou Ping said to Bai Lu: "Don't you want to go to Yuelao Temple? Let's go, we are fine anyway in the afternoon, let's go."

Bai Lu was surprised: "Ah..."

After she reacted, she said: "Okay, let's go together. I was just about to say, if you don't go, I will go there myself."


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