You Are My Gravity

Chapter 340: Be loved

Gu Jingyuan, who was still under anesthesia, had no idea about the outside world.

There are glazed scratches on his face, forehead and neck, and the fracture of his left arm has been fixed.

Ever since I met Gu Jingyuan, he has always been in Qin Se's heart the kind of otherworldly kaolin flower, so perfect that it is beyond the reach of people.

Qin Se never thought that one day he could be with such a man.

It's like walking along the road, and I really fell a big pie and smashed it on the head.

Qin Se always thinks that Gu Jingyuan is too good, the omnipotent kind, with him, she can be at ease, be a waste of wood, do nothing, just eat and drink, be loved...

But today he was injured, something happened, Qin Se only knew, oh... he is actually an ordinary man.

It turns out that he actually needs to be loved.

Qin Se squeezed Gu Jingyuan's right hand and said, "When I wake up, I will love you well in the future, okay?"


The rain outside is getting heavier.

Gu Meiyun got out of the car, stepped on the water on the ground, and rushed into the living room excitedly.

Asking the servants to retreat, and then excited: "Mom, mom... good news..."

Mrs. Gu was making tea, glanced at her daughter, and said, "It's raining so hard, what news can make you happy?"

Gu Meiyun quickly walked over, sat down, and said, "Mom, you must be happy to hear this news. The two little beasts, Gu Jingyuan and Gu Zhixin, have all gone into the hospital in a car accident..."

Mrs. Gu's gesture of making tea: "What did you say?"

"I said, Gu Jingyuan and Gu Zhixin laughed out loud. They had a car accident and went to the hospital. Gu Zhixin is now in the intensive care unit. I don't think I can survive it. Unfortunately, Gu Jingyuan is not life-threatening... …But this is also good news, do you think it’s mom!"

Gu Meiyun finished speaking excitedly, and her voice just fell off.


Gu Meiyun slapped her face firmly.

She covered her face and was stupid: "Mom, what are you doing, are you happy stupid?"

Old lady Gu slowly lowered her hand, her eyes sharp and cold: "Gu Meiyun, don't forget, your surname is Gu, even if you marry into the Ji family, your surname is Gu..."

Gu Meiyun said aggrieved: "It's not that you have annoyed the two of them all day, I just..."

"I understand your thoughts very well. I don't care about Gu Zhixin's life or death, but Gu Jingyuan is the grandson of Gu's parents and grandson, and that is your nephew. You think that without him at the helm to make Gu thrive, you can be successful in the Ji family. The wind will rain or the rain?"

Mrs. Gu's words made Gu Meiyun suddenly confused: "Mom, you... haven't you always hated Gu Jingyuan?"

"It's really annoying, and I also hate him for not saving me face and taking all the rights in my hands, but everything in the Gu family will be given to the surname Gu in the future.

Mrs. Gu’s thoughts are somewhat contradictory. She doesn’t like Gu Jingyuan’s truth, but she does admit that Gu Jingyuan is the most suitable person to inherit the Gu family.

Old lady Gu just felt that she still had the ability to take charge of the Gu family, so she robbed her grandson of all the rights, so she was not convinced.

She thinks that even if she holds the power, she can't hold her for many more years. Why can't Gu Jingyuan wait for her to delegate power? Want to earn money with her?

However, this does not mean that she can tolerate Gu Meiyun's gloat.

Gu Meiyun said carefully: "Mom... don't you still have Chenxuan? You like him the most..."

Mrs. Gu stared at her and said, "His surname is Ji!"

She can pet him and give him countless money!

But he won't hand the Gu family to him!

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