You Are My Gravity

Chapter 341: Still asleep

In the face of Gu's overall interests, the old lady knew better than anyone else.

Moreover, if Ji Chenxuan kisses, he is also a grandson.

One more word "outside", in the old man's mind, he is not a family after all.

What makes the old lady most upset is.

Gu Jingyuan is too good, after his comparison, Ji Chenxuan is useless...

Gu Meiyun gritted her teeth secretly, her angry fingernails were pinched into the flesh.

This old woman still kept saying something, loving Chenxuan.

After all, they are not all lying.

What happened to grandson?

Who said that his grandson would not inherit the Gu family.

Suddenly, the old lady Gu asked Gu Meiyun sharply: "You tell me the truth, does Jingyuan's car accident have anything to do with you?"

Gu Meiyun shook her head repeatedly: "No, no, absolutely nothing... Mom, I promise, it wasn't me who did it, we... don't have the guts..."

"Better not. If you let me know in the future, I can't spare you what you did to Jingyuan."

Gu Meiyun trembled in fear: "Mom, we don't have one, how dare we..."


Zhen Baoer was sitting outside the intensive care unit, holding a cup of Zhou Ping and pouring her hot water.

Her hands were cold, holding hot water, and she felt warm.

Zhen Baoer asked: "Aunt Ping, you are so powerful, have you ever been afraid?"

Zhou Ping smiled bitterly: "I, I am always scared, and I am not that good at all. In fact, I am the saddest person. It can be calculated, so what, but it can't be avoided... People, sometimes, really Destiny cannot be resisted..."

That was how her husband was.

She knew that he had a catastrophe in that year.

She used many methods, hoping to help him get through.

However, in the end... he still didn't save his life.

Suddenly, I heard an excited voice: "Goddess, oh my god, I've been single for a long time, so hell, I actually met my goddess..."

Zhen Baoer raised her head and saw a doctor standing in front of her. His appearance was not bad, but... his eyes were a bit too eager!

Song Yizhi said excitedly: "Goddess, do you remember me, I am the ‘Zhizhizhi’..."

He just learned about the situation from the doctor who gave Gu Jingyuan and Gu Zhixin the chief surgeon, so he hurried over and wanted to talk to the intensive care department so that they must take care of Gu Zhixin carefully.

As a result, I saw Zhen Baoer.

Zhen Bao'er remembers the name Song Yizhi said. During the live broadcast, she also gave her a gift, but Zhen Bao'er is not in the mood to take care of him now.

Zhou Ping asked: "Who are you the doctor?"

Song Yizhi cleared his throat: "I am a doctor in this hospital. My friend has just had a car accident and was sent to the intensive care unit after the operation. Let me have a look..."

Zhou Ping was taken aback. She had just had a car accident and was admitted to the ICU after the operation. This...

"Your... friend is Gu Zhixin?"

Song Yizhi was shocked: "How do you know Auntie?"

Zhen Baoer stood up abruptly when she heard this, "You are Gu Zhi's new friend, so can you let me go in and see him now?"

Song Yizhi immediately made up a play in his mind. He looked at Zhen Baoer's anxious and worried appearance, and swallowed his saliva: "I rub...that kid, shouldn't it be... really kissed the goddess?"

Zhen Baoer: "Yes, it's not just a kiss..."


Zhen Baoer: "Still asleep!"

Song Yizhi covered his mouth in horror.

Zhen Baoer stepped forward: "So, take me in to see my boyfriend."

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