You Are My Gravity

Chapter 342: Gu Yiba

"You, you..." Song Yizhi stopped covering his mouth this time, he covered his heart, the expression on his face was as wonderful as the color palette.

To sum it up simply: I am heartache, I am hurt, I am not alive...

Song Yizhi really regarded Zhen Baoer as his goddess.

He always told the doctors in the department: He feels that he believes in love again, and he feels that he is about to get out...

Song Yizhi also said that every time he watched Zhen Baoer's live broadcast, he felt like he was in love with him. The whole person was bubbling with pink bubbles!

but now……

Hearing Zhen Baoer's words, Song Yizhi not only heard the pink bubbles from all over the world, but also the sound of his own heartbreak!


Why can even a brutal bully like Gu Zhixin find a girlfriend?

Or his goddess?

When Gu Zhixin said it, Song Yizhi hadn't taken it seriously. He felt that even an elite doctor like his own, gentle and elegant, hadn't gotten out of the list. Gu Zhixin kind of bully must be lonely!


Song Yizhi felt that his face was swollen and his heart was broken...

He asked: "You...really follow...Gu Zhixin..."

Zhen Baoer nodded: "Yes, it's true. He is the father of my future child, the doctor, can you take me in to see him?"

She wondered, if she enters at this moment, she can say a few words to Gu Zhixin so that he can continue, right? He has the motivation to live.

The corners of Song Yizhi's mouth twitched, and he felt that he was suffering tremendously at this moment!


Zhen Bao'er looked expectant and said, "Doctor, please..."

Song Yizhi hammered his chest: "I...not... why are you talking to him, you two are... inappropriate..."

"We are very suitable..."


Zhen Baoer said again: "We are very suitable."

Song Yizhi held his forehead: " need to be quiet..."

Zhen Baoer grabbed Song Yizhi's arm: "Doctor, please do me a favor. I'll see him, say a word to him, just a word, I will come out, I will definitely not stay for too long..."

Song Yizhi shuddered, and quickly said: "I...I can help you to ask a colleague in the intensive care unit, but you first... let go of me..."

After Zhen Baoer let go, Song Yizhi quickly took a step back to keep a safe distance.

"Then...thank you!"

So Song Yizhi called out a colleague who he had a good relationship with. After talking about the situation, that colleague shook his head and said no.

Not to mention, now Gu Zhixin hasn't used anesthetic.

Even if it is over, his body is very fragile. It is not necessarily a good thing for the family to stimulate at this time.

Maybe the patient did have the consciousness of survival, but the stimulation was too much, maybe it would pass.

And the inside is sterile. Now Gu Zhixin is seriously injured, and a little bit of bacteria may kill him.

Song Yizhi could understand, he came back to tell Zhen Baoer the situation.

But Zhen Baoer wanted to see Gu Zhixin so much now that she stretched out her hand and grabbed Song Yizhi's arm again: "Can the doctor, can you please help me?"

Song Yizhi hurriedly said: "If that kid wakes up and knows that you touched my arm, he still has to give up one of my arms. If you have something, let's talk about it, but don't do it!"

Song Yizhi's desire to survive is very strong, although this is his favorite goddess, but the goddess is now a bully woman.

He has a guilty mind, and has no guts.

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