You Are My Gravity

Chapter 358: Hate

Zhou Ping looked at the face that was older than 16 years ago, and the past many years ago, all scenes came to mind.

Zhou Ping, who had always been calm in front of others, couldn't restrain the hatred in her heart for a while, holding the thermos barrel with her hand, clenched, her eyes almost bursting out of fire.

It was that face, even if it turned into ashes, she would never forget it!

If it weren't for the fact that her sons and daughters were still young and couldn't do without her taking care of her, Zhou Ping would really do, and would stabb her to death without hesitation with a knife.

After so many years, Zhou Ping thought that she would gradually forget about it, and if she didn’t think about it, she wouldn’t hate it...

However, when that face appeared again, Zhou Ping realized that she had never let go of it.

The hatred in her heart is still like wildfire, which can start a prairie fire instantly.

Old Mrs. Gu was completely indifferent to Zhou Ping's hateful eyes, as if she still felt a little proud, because she felt that everything was just as she had expected.

As long as she appears in front of Zhou Ping, everything else will no longer be a problem.

Old Mrs. Gu smiled triumphantly: "Why, haven't seen me for many years, is it possible...forget me? You are so many years younger than me, why is your memory worse than that of an elderly me?"

Zhou Ping's hands were trembling, her teeth were clenched tightly, and her heart was full of strong hatred, accompanied by bursts of tingling pain.

Those scars, at this moment, were torn apart by Old Lady Gu, bloody.

However, Zhou Ping today is no longer the young mother she was 16 years ago, and she can face any situation calmly and calmly today.

Zhou Ping forced herself to calm down, lifted a heavy step, and walked slowly over.

She looked gloomy and asked, "Why are you here?"

Zhou Ping had calmed herself down as much as possible, but she opened her mouth, and every word contained hatred.

Old Mrs. Gu spread her hands and said with a smile: "This house, but my Gu family, I... my own house, why can't I come?"

This sentence made Zhou Ping's mind go blank for a second: "What did you say?"

Old lady Gu knowingly asked: "What? Don't you know?"

Zhou Ping's heart quickly flashed across Gu Jingyuan's face.

Old Mrs. Gu continued: "I wanted to visit my deceased and thank you by the way. Thank you for taking care of my grandson these past two days. I didn't expect... but you don't know at all. It seems... …My grandson, I haven’t told you yet."

She lifted her chin slightly, her old face was full of triumph, and she felt that she finally enjoyed it again, the pleasure of manipulating others.

Old lady Gu looked at Zhou Ping and said, "Gu Jingyuan is my grandson."

Zhou Ping's teeth were almost broken.

Kyoto, Gu Jia, Gu Jingyuan...

She should have thought of it long ago.

Gu Jingyuan's young age, but such a powerful ability, can only come from that Gu family.

But she has been reluctant to think about...

Seeing the shock flashing on Zhou Ping's face, Mrs. Gu really wanted to laugh out loud. She has been waiting for today since she knew that Qin Se was Zhou Ping's daughter.

When Gu Jingyuan was fine, she dared not come.

Now that he was injured and lying in the hospital, she finally had a chance.

Old Mrs. Gu curled her lips and said with disdain: "I thought that kid Jing Yuan would be quite caring for you and your daughter, but I didn't expect... Maybe, I think too much..."

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