You Are My Gravity

Chapter 359: Anti-kill

Mrs. Gu is in a very good mood at the moment, she hasn't been so comfortable for a long time.

Seeing Zhou Ping's pale face, angry expression, and hateful eyes, she felt that she had returned to the time when she was aloof.

She had guessed all Zhou Ping's reaction.

As long as she appears, even if she doesn't say anything to make your daughter get out, she believes Zhou Ping will take Qin Se away.

Because Mrs. Gu knew that Zhou Ping would not let her daughter marry the grandson of a woman who killed her husband!

The shock on Zhou Ping's face disappeared, and the hostility in her eyes gathered.

If it was Zhou Ping sixteen years ago, she might have been deliberately irritated by Mrs. Gu at this moment.

But now... heh...

Zhou Ping slowly put down the thermos, her eyes sharp and icy, she stood under the light, looking at Mrs. Gu coldly, like a judge.

She said, "Yes, you really think too much..."

Mrs. Gu was a little hairy by Zhou Ping's eyes.

Then Zhou Ping said: "After all, an old woman who has never enjoyed the filial piety of her grandson, how can she understand the feeling that your grandson treats me better than your mother? You probably don’t know, your grandson treats me almost I am more filial to me than my own son. I have not yet become a mother-in-law, but I experienced the treatment of my mother in advance."

Zhou Ping was angry and hated, but she hadn't lost her mind yet.

Now she knew that Gu Jingyuan was the boy who was sent away from the Gu family.

A child who was sent away before the full moon grew up alone, how much affection can he have for his family?

Now Zhou Ping finally knows why Gu Jingyuan is so indifferent to his parents.

I have seen Gu Jingyuan's attitude towards Gu Huaizhang and his wife.

Naturally, Zhou Ping would not believe how close Gu Jingyuan would be to the old lady?

After all, it was this old woman who insisted on sending him away.

Therefore, Zhou Ping did not believe the old lady's words.

She won't be so stupid, being provoked by the other party just a few words to lose her mind.

Mrs. Gu was immediately blocked and speechless, "You..."

Originally, Mrs. Gu triumphantly wanted to see Zhou Ping's sanity and dignity destroyed.

Unexpectedly, the other party caught her off guard and gave her a counter-kill.

She underestimated Zhou Ping. This is not the young girl back then.

But it's alright.

The anger on Mrs. Gu's face was suppressed, and she spoke with regret: "Zhou Ping, I know, you still hate me for what happened back then. Over the years, I have been blaming myself, but people cannot be resurrected... …And I……"

Zhou Ping interrupted her and sneered: "You are right again. I really still hate you for what happened back then. Therefore, seeing you alive, I really feel sorry..."

"A person like you who has lived in vain and fed the dog a long time ago, why is it still not dead? It must be said that this is a thing that makes people feel a little frustrated, but although I regret it, Still believe, if you continue like this, believe, there will soon be a day of no good death."

As soon as Mrs. Gu spoke, Zhou Ping knew what she probably said.

Therefore, she directly gagged her mouth.

She wants to let Old Lady Gu know that she is not the one she used to be, fragile, and crying helpless girl.

It is impossible to insult her like it did in the past.

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