You Are My Gravity

Chapter 372: you shut up

Zhen Baoer's words made Qin Se want to cry again. She raised her hand and patted Zhen Baoer on the shoulder to try to comfort her.

The nurse came over and gave Gu Zhixin an infusion.

Zhen Baoer stayed in front of Gu Zhixin's hospital bed and did not want to leave.

After checking Gu Zhixin's body, the doctor glanced at Qin Se.

Qin Se was stunned for a moment, and then came back. Is there something to tell her?

She glanced at Zhen Bao'er and turned to go out.

In the corridor outside the ward, Qin Se asked the doctor: "Doctor, Gu Zhixin is now transferred to the general ward. Isn't it better to wait for the wound to heal next?"

The doctor hesitated for a moment, and said, "It is so logically speaking."

"Then when will he wake up?"

The doctor hesitated again, "This... we can't tell you exactly when to wake up, it... depends on him."

The doctor's words made Qin Se feel a little uneasy, "Then... there is always an approximate time, right?"

"We can’t be sure about this. The patient’s head received a lot of impact. There may be some blood clots in the head compressing the nerves. The problem of the brain itself is much more complicated than other organs, even though modern medical instruments are sophisticated. However, we can’t guarantee you exactly when you will wake up."

After the doctor finished speaking, he said: "This week, if you can wake up within this week, then... the problem is not serious. The injuries in other parts of his body are slowly recovering. In fact, the recovery is still good. ."

Qin Se nodded: "Thank you doctor."

After talking with one voice, Qin Se went back to see Zhen Baoer.

She patted Zhen Baoer and said, "You can't cry, the doctor said, Gu Zhixin is about to wake up, you can't be so haggard, think about it, Gu Zhixin wakes up and sees you so embarrassed. This destroys your perfect image in his mind..."

Zhen Bao'er nodded: "Well, I see, you go back and see Gu Jingyuan, if he can't find you after drinking water and taking medicine, he will have trouble again!"

"Then I'm leaving, you will rest on the next hospital bed for a while, so that you can be more energetic, and wait for Gu Zhixin to propose."

"I will……"

Qin Se had indeed been out for more than an hour, and it was time to go back and take a look.

Since Gu Jingyuan was injured, he has relied on her very much.

I will find her if I don't see her in a while.

But before he went to the ward, he ran into Gu Huaizhang.

Qin Se couldn't help saying, "Uncle, why do you have time to see Jing Yuan today?"

Gu Huaizhang felt ashamed: "Oh...I..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, a bitter voice came: "Oh, this is... the woman that Jingyuan was looking for? It's not very good when I look closer."

Gu Huaizhang frowned, "What are you talking about? Who let you come."

Gu Meiyun touched her hair, revealing her newly bought diamond ring, "Big brother, my nephew is injured, how can I be an aunt if I don't see it?"

She was arranged by the old lady to come over today.

Qin Se frowned. She glanced at Gu Meiyun at the old lady's birthday banquet, but did not speak at all.

He snorted, "How am I? It's not you who have the final say. Gu Jingyuan likes me, can you control it?"

Gu Meiyun mocked: "It seems that you are really naive and don't know anything, Zhou Ping is so willing not to tell you!"

Gu Huaizhang's face changed drastically: "Shut up and go quickly."

Qin Se frowned: "What did you say?"

Gu Meiyun swept past the anxious Gu Huaizhang, and said sarcastically: "I said that your affectionate man is called Uncle, and I don't know that I... I recognize the thief as my father!"

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