You Are My Gravity

Chapter 373: Big slap

Qin Se was taken aback, what does this... mean?

Gu Huaizhang's complexion suddenly became clouded, and he slapped Gu Meiyun's face with a slap: "Are you crazy, shut up."

Gu Huaizhang covered Gu Meiyun's mouth and said to Qin Se: "She has a brain disease. I will take her away first. Don't listen to what she says."

Gu Meiyun, who was struggling, was about to leave.

But how could Gu Meiyun leave so easily, she would have to take a bite in Gu Huaizhang's hands.

Gu Huaizhang let out Gu Meiyun's hand with a cry of pain.

Gu Meiyun sneered: "You don't know anything, now everyone in the relationship is hiding from you..."

Gu Huaizhang roared: "Shut up!"

Qin Se calmly looked at Gu Meiyun and said, "Uncle, let her say, I want to hear what she is going to say."

What Gu Meiyun had just said made Qin Se deeply puzzled.

What is meant by recognizing a thief as a father? She wanted to know what was the reason.


Gu Meiyun sneered, dusted her clothes, and gathered some messy hair: "Oh, if you want me to say, okay, I will tell you to listen carefully. Do you know how your father died?"

Qin Se squeezed his hands, why... her father was involved.

She didn't wait for Gu Meiyun to finish her next words.

Gu Huaizhang sneered coldly: "You shut up, Gu Meiyun, are you looking for death?"

Gu Meiyun laughed and said, "Second brother, people have to listen to them. What's more, do you think it is useful to hide this kind of thing? Let me say, I should let her listen to it, otherwise, I think she Sorry for her father."

Qin Se's face was covered with frost.

She wants to listen, what is the truth in it!

Gu Meiyun continued: "Your father is a policeman, I think you should say it too, he... But he died to save our old lady. Oh, you don't know how terrible the death is. You were stabbed more than 20 times. There are blood holes all over. Actually, this is my mother's fault. In the beginning, if she was willing, your father didn't have to die."

Seeing Qin Se's trembling body and gradually pale face, Gu Meiyun felt complacent, covering her lips and laughing.

She put down her hand and looked at Qin Se with squint and disdain: "Of course, I don't mind if you recognize the thief as the father... But I just think, I have to tell you, so that you can also understand what identity I am. Thinking...King Yuan wants to marry you, it may not be guilty,’s really good to have a father who can pave the way for you and let you marry a rich family..."

Gu Meiyun who laughed proudly, Qin Se slowly clenched her hand.

Suddenly I understood why, her mother was a little wrong today, why did she say that she would not let her marry Gu Jingyuan.

When she was very young, others had a father, but she didn't, and she was often laughed at in school.

When I got home, I asked Zhou Ping to cry. Zhou Ping often told Qin Se at that time: Your father is a hero, he sacrificed to save others, he is very brave, so being a hero's daughter must be brave.

Therefore, in Qin Se's heart, there was no memory of her father, but she always believed that her father could not be defiled by anyone.

Just when Gu Huaizhang thought that Gu Meiyun's words deeply hit Qin Se.

Suddenly Qin Se rushed forward and tore Gu Meiyun's hair in one hand. Then, he pulled hard, and his big ear snapped up with his other hand.

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