You Are My Gravity

Chapter 385: You are so sweet

Qin Se was dumbfounded at the time. He was stunned, holding the doorknob in his hand and opening his mouth, a bit like a... idiot!

After a few seconds, Qin Se finally reacted and said hurriedly: " go on, I am...I will go out..."

Qin Se's face was completely red, she never expected that Xu Mu and her mother had already developed to this point.


It’s amazing. Xu Mu plays some positive roles on the screen all day long. Unexpectedly, this sultry method is quite powerful!

As a daughter, seeing her mother and stepdad, her face is really hot.

As soon as Qin Se turned around to leave, he heard Zhou Ping shouting: "Come here!"

Qin Se stopped, but didn't turn around. She said, "Mom... don't let it go. Although I am your daughter, but she is all this old, I'm past this, no..."

Zhou Ping's old face flushed red: "Don't talk nonsense to me, come over to me quickly."

Qin Se shook his head repeatedly: "Mom... don't be like that, mom, I know you're embarrassed, but I am your daughter, so you treat me as if I don't exist, I've never been here... don't be shy!"

If Zhou Ping weren't pressed to get up now, she really wanted to slap Qin Se's head fiercely: "Qin Se, you get the old lady, Xu Mu is sick."

Qin Se heard that, I'll go, old Xu, you are okay, you are all sick, and you can still persist like this. It's really... daring!

Zhou Ping roared: "Come here soon."

"Then...then I can pass, you...are you both getting dressed?"

"Qin Se, just talk nonsense!"

"Hey, here comes..."

Qin Se immediately turned around and walked over quickly.

Xu Mu only wore the lower body, but not the upper body, pressing on Zhou Ping without moving.

Qin Se remembered that, she was talking to Zhou Ping just now, Xu Mu didn't say a word.

Qin Se hurriedly helped, pulling Xu Mu away a little bit hard to get Zhou Ping out of him.

"Mom, what's wrong with Teacher Xu?"

Zhou Ping finally got up, her face was still blushing abnormally, and her mouth was a little weird. She said with a cold face, "He made it himself."

After returning from the hospital, Zhou Ping thought that Xu Mu should leave, but found that his car was still there.

So Zhou Ping knocked on the door angrily, but after knocking for a long time, Xu Mu did not come out and there was no sound.

Zhou Ping felt strange, hesitated for ten minutes, turned the doorknob, opened the door and went in.

As a result, Xu Mu's complexion was red and burnt.

Zhou Ping shook Xu Mu, trying to wake him up and go to the hospital with her, but she couldn't carry him.

As a result, it shakes people up, but...

Xu Mu didn't know where his nerves were, so he grabbed her arm, tugged hard, pressed her under him, and...still...holding her and chewing.

Zhou Ping must be struggling, but it's useless. His body is heavy and his strength is great...

However, he fainted while he was kissing, but even if he fainted, Zhou Ping was still crushed to death.

So, he waited for Qin Se.

"Mom...your lips, cough cough..."

Qin Se looked at Zhou Ping's swollen lips and smiled, "Ms. Xu is really good. I don't forget to take advantage when I'm sick."

Zhou Ping raised her hand to hit Qin Se, but saw that there were scratches on her wrists, "What's the matter?"


Qin Sezheng didn't know what to say, Xu Mu rescued the scene in time, he said in a daze: "Zhou...Ping, you... so sweet..."

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