You Are My Gravity

Chapter 386: You came

This sentence is like talking in a dream, and instantly makes the atmosphere in the house become extremely embarrassing, and even the air seems to become a little hot at this moment.

Qin Se's eyes were wide and round, let alone her mother, even she, a boudoir, felt...blushing!

So... Lao Xu has already made up his mind to be her stepdad.

Zhou Ping's face was even redder than Xu Mu, who had a high fever, and her head was about to smoke. She scolded Xu Mu in her heart. She raised her hand and wanted to slap Xu Mu's head.

Qin Se grabbed her hand: "Mom... calm, calm... this is Xu Mu, his whole body, even the hair is valuable, we can't afford it if it breaks..."

Qin Se said in his heart, future stepdad, I saved you out of righteousness. In the future, you have to cheer for yourself!

Zhou Ping blushed and said, "He... what he said, don't believe..."

Qin Se nodded again and again: "Well, you can rest assured that I don't believe it!"

But the next second, she smiled and said, "But, Mom, your mouth is a little swollen, doesn't it matter?"

Zhou Ping immediately flushed, and shouted sternly, "Smelly girl...Hurry up and get the anti-fever medicine for him."

"Eh, so..."

Qin Se nodded and ran downstairs to find anti-fever medicine.

The two of them gave Xu Mu medicine in the middle, but he woke up, Zhou Ping said, just in time, let him go to the hospital.

But Xu Mu refused. He said that if he goes to the hospital, the hospital can be completely paralyzed, so don't go to trouble everyone.

So Xu Mu lay there and called his personal doctor.

The doctor came to give Xu Mu a fever-reducing injection and let him rest.

Zhou Ping dragged Qin Se to her bedroom next door.

"Go ahead, what's the matter."

Qin Se whispered: "I...I went to Gu's house to make a fuss."

"You have gone to Gu's" Zhou Ping was annoyed with a headache, and turned to leave: "My old lady must go and get that old thing, dare to bully my daughter."

Qin Se hurriedly said: "Mom...I, I am not bullied, I fainted that old thing, and I beat her."

Zhou Ping paused, then raised her hand to poke Qin Se: "You...let me say what you are."

Zhou Ping didn't want Qin Se to know, but...

Zhou Ping's face gradually turned gray. Since yesterday, her heart has been tingling, and the second torn wound has been hurting.

She couldn't hold it anymore, sat down, and slowly said, "Shanshan... Mom now asks you, if... let you give up Gu Jingyuan and go home with me, would you like to?"

Qin Se's body trembled, this question... after all, it came!

When Zhou Ping saw Qin Se's bloodless face, she still didn't understand.

"I originally wanted to take you straight back, but although the Gu family members are really nasty, but Gu Jingyuan's child is really good. I will not force you to give you one night to think about it. I will wait for your answer at dawn. !"

This night, everyone can't sleep.

Qin Se got up before dawn, and she left a note to Zhou Ping.

——Mom, give me a little more time, I... want to confirm my answer!

Half an hour later, Qin Se had stood at the door of the ward for 10 minutes.

She raised her hand and opened the door.

Facing Gu Jingyuan's haggard and pale face, he kept a posture and stayed up all night.

The moment he saw her, there was finally a light in his eyes.

He showed a doting smile, "You are here!"

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