You Are My Gravity

Chapter 391: small bug

Qin Se suddenly stood up and hugged Zhen Baoer hard: "I see, thank you!"

After speaking, Qin Se ran away.

Zhen Baoer chased out of the ward, "Hey, what do you know?"

Qin Se has run away, Zhen Bao'er scratched his head, could it be that her words accidentally made Qin Se suddenly realize.

Could it be that she is an adult tutor?

Zhen Baoer suddenly felt that her image seemed to be taller.

She turned to see Gu Zhixin lying on the bed with a wry smile, and said: "Look, my man has started to worry about your family before marrying you. Gu Zhixin, if you don't wake up and marry Me, are you worthy of me?"

Qin Se ran out of Gu Zhixin's ward and ran into Song Yizhi.

When Song Yizhi saw Qin Se's eyes lit up, he chased her behind her **** and said, "Oh, sister-in-law, you are here, let me tell you, the guy Gu Jingyuan disobeyed and got off the bed last night... You have to educate yourself. He is so old and disobedient..."

"In addition..."

Song Yizhi leaned into Qin Se's ear and said: "Boss Gu and his aunt, after you cleaned her up yesterday, you are lying in this hospital now, do you... do you want to give condolences?"

Qin Se's steps stopped.


Song Yizhi stretched out her hand very dogmatically: "Sister-in-law, please, I will show you the way!"

Song Yizhi didn't think it was too much to see the excitement, and took Qin Se all the way outside Gu Meiyun's ward.

After Qin Se beat Gu Meiyun violently yesterday, she stayed in without even leaving the hospital.

Gu Meiyun's injuries were not serious. They were all skin injuries. The most serious was her face, which was swollen like a pig's head. ,

However, there was a ghost in her heart, and she always felt that Qin Se really wanted to apply some insidious means to her. She felt that she was particularly uncomfortable and asked the doctor to check it, but she couldn't find out.

In the ward, Gu Meiyun was talking to her husband Ji Dongliang and son Ji Chenxuan.

"No matter what means you use, you must kill that dead girl. She won't die. In my heart..."

With a bang, the door was pushed open, and Gu Meiyun's dead girl who was about to kill seemed to appear in front of her as if she had fallen from the sky, with a terrible sneer on her face.

Qin Se walked in step by step, "'s quite lively."

Gu Meiyun shivered instinctively when she saw Qin Se. She was really scared of being beaten.

Ji Dongliang said angrily: "What are you going to do?"

Qin Se curled his lips and smiled terribly: "If you want to kill me, then you won't see it in your life..."

Gu Meiyun shuddered and couldn't see it in her life, then...this is going to kill her!

Qin Se walked to the bed step by step, the shocking Ji Chenxuan and his son couldn't help but back off.

"If you want to drive me away, then you can give up, I will get everything you want, I will... step on your corpses and walk to the position of Mistress Gu's family."

Gu Meiyun roared: "Don't think about it..."

Suddenly, Qin Se pinched Gu Meiyun's chin and dropped a pill in.

Gu Meiyun tasted something and swallowed it.

She pinched her throat and panicked: "You...what did you feed me?"

Qin Se looked at her with a weird smile: "Of course, it is something that kills you, have you heard of Gu? It... will hatch in your body, become a small bug, and then bit by bit. Your internal organs, then slowly crawl into your mind die!"

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