You Are My Gravity

Chapter 392: Devil

With Gu Meiyun's horrified scream, the room suddenly fell into an atmosphere of incomparable fear.

Qin Se's voice was gloomy, like a devil released from the depths of hell.

Song Yizhi, an irrelevant person, felt that his hair was horrified, his back was cold, not to mention Gu Meiyun, who was embarrassed with ghosts, and they were all trembling with fright. Ji Chenxuan even hit his calf and supported the head of the bed before kneeling .

If others said it, they would naturally not believe it, what age is this, how could there be such a thing.

Everyone believes in science and opposes superstition.

But, this is Qin Se!

What does the Qin family do?

It is said that in the Republic of China, the Qin family was around Kyoto, and its name was very famous.

Later, although everyone advocated science and opposed feudal superstition after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Qin family gradually declined, but the things left by their ancestors before them were all genuine.

It's not uncommon for their family to use insidious methods.

Especially Gu Meiyun, she had seen Zhou Ping's father's methods, and that was...really very powerful.

If he wants to harm people, he will really make people die invisible.

The poorest one was Gu Meiyun, because she didn't have the slightest doubt, she believed that what Qin Se said was true.

She was scared to go crazy by Qin Se, shivering, shoving her fingers into her sore throat, trying to vomit it out.

Qin Se disdainfully said: "It's useless, it's not medicine. Do you think that if I let it in, can you still let you vomit it out? Ha... Now, she is in your stomach, in that comfortable and warm environment. Presumably, it’s about to hatch. Don’t worry, this worm is very, very small now...Wait for her to slowly gnaw at your internal organs and absorb nutrients before it can grow up slowly. This is a process... Are you worried? Coming..."

" should feel a little bit, is there a dull pain?"

Gu Meiyun was wrapped in gauze on her face, her face was invisible, but her eyes were full of fear deep in her soul.

Gu Meiyun shook her head frantically: " don't want, I don't want..."

She felt her stomach really hurt.

That... the bug is eating her stomach.

Ji Chenxuan shouted: "Bitch, you quickly get my mother out of that bug, otherwise, our Ji family will never spare you!"

With a bright smile on Qin Se's face, he slowly stretched out a fist, "Do you want it, I still have a family of three, how about giving you family money?"

Ji Dongliang and Ji Chenxuan's father and son backed away in terror, their mouths were tight, and there was no blood on their faces. They just yelled that Ji Chenxuan, who asked Qin Se to help his mother get the bugs out, was hiding behind his own father. She was shivering in fear and didn't dare to show her head.

For fear, Qin Se would stuff the bug into their mouths.

That thing is terrible.

A sneered sneer appeared on Qin Se's face: "I'm not my mother. My mother had a bottom line and morality. She didn't kill you. It's cheaper for you for so many years, but I didn't..."

"It's been 16 years. The debt owed to my family, even the capital and profit, I want you to pay back together."

Gu Meiyun begged for mercy: "I was wrong... I was wrong, please... forgive me... forgive me!"

Qin Se showed a cruel sneer: "Now I know that I'm afraid, it's too late. I said earlier that there are ways in our family to make you better than dead.

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