You Are My Gravity

Chapter 501: Good luck

Xu Mu was holding the scissors and thinking in his heart, whether my scissors should be cut or...not cut...

Qin Se took several photos. ,

Qin Se said with emotion: "A good-looking look is good. No matter what you do, you are handsome. Uncle Xu, can I post on Weibo?"

Xu Mu smiled and said: "I have already posted...Remember to forward the comment to me like it."

As soon as Qin Se heard me go, he had already posted Weibo with his hand so fast, then... his Weibo must have exploded.

So, Qin Se hurriedly clicked on the client of Weibo, and sure enough...Xu Mu hit the hot search again...

The title is #许牧当苦力#

Qin Se was a little worried and asked Xu Daying to repair the lawn for his family. When their fans saw it, would they blame her mother? After all, there are no fans who don't care about their idols.

However, when I clicked in, Qin Se couldn't help laughing because of the novel style of painting...

Because, looking at it all, almost all


#我们老许 Finally useful#

#老许, behave well, do this as the most important thing in your life, and don’t let the shepherd’s sister down again#

#牧女, please feel free to call Lao Xu, let him be a cow and a horse. We don’t have any opinions, just ask that next time Lao Xu makes a mistake, you will get it online#

Qin Se could hardly stand smiling anymore, what the **** is this!

Are these still Xu Mu fans?

She smiled and said: "Uncle Xu, your fan, is really interesting..."

Xu Mu sighed with emotion: "Yes, interesting..."

His fans told him that now they are expecting him to post on Weibo, but are also afraid...

For fear, he was kicked out of the house again.

For fear, the shepherd's wife disliked him again.

In this regard, Xu Mu is also a little helpless. Since he fell in love, his fans have almost all turned to Zhou Ping.

However, it doesn't matter...Anyway, it's the same whether you like her husband or her wife.

Qin Se felt that Xu Mu's fans were really mudslides in the fan circle. Unexpectedly, he didn't feel distressed about his idol being dragged to do coolies. Instead, he clapped his hands and applauded!

Some even said that it was too light for Old Xu to mow the lawn, and I beg the shepherd wife to assign more work. Don't be polite, your own man awakens!

For Xu Mu's fans, if she can make Lao Xu work, it is appropriate to treat Lao Xu as her own man, otherwise who cares about you.

So this is a good sign.

Qin Se turned around and was very happy, and when he ran to Xu Mu's Weibo, he almost didn't smile.

Xu Mu's Weibo reposted comments within half an hour have almost reached six figures.

The fans were super happy, and some stars also came to join the discussion, the atmosphere was cheerful and lively.

The key is Xu Mu wrote:

This morning, I had breakfast. (Your shepherd’s cooking is really delicious...)

Shepherd's wife: Why are you still not leaving? No job?

Me (shaking his head): Be with you today! Not working!

Mu's Wife: Really, I have never seen a actor who is so idle for you. Oh...Don't dangle in front of my eyes. I feel dizzy when I see you. Since you are so idle, go and cut the lawn outside.

Me (nodding): Okay...

Have you seen it? Your shepherd's wife is so inseparable from me. She says she is disgusting, but she is honest in her heart. Even the small things like lawn repairs require me to come!

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