You Are My Gravity

Chapter 502: My wife

Just as Qin Se was happily reviewing the comments, he saw one of Xu Mu's own comments being picked up.

#许牧: My daughter said, he just looked at the movie actor's work and didn't intend to help me. Should I be sad...#

Qin Se glanced at it and squeezed his mouth, my god, Lao Xu, a cheeky old man, is no less shameless than Gu Jingyuan.

They all regard her as their own daughter.

Oh my God……

Looking at the fans below, none of them comforted him.

#Don’t be sad, old Xu, if it were me, I would yell everyone to watch! #

#老许, just be content, if my sister doesn’t even want to watch, then just wait and cry#

#Yes, our sister is willing to take a look at you at least, shouldn’t you be happy?#


Qin Se couldn't help laughing!

Xu Mu's fans are really cuter than the other. From him, except for some deliberate black fans, there is almost no such dazzling comment.

Qin Se tapped a few words with his finger: Why is it my sister? Isn't it your sister?

Qin Se felt that he was his age, how could he not be regarded as a younger sister?

However, when she replied, it was very late, and no one saw the thousands of comments on it.

Qin Se held the phone to Zhou Ping, "Mom, mom, look at it... I think Uncle Xu is determined to win you. See how his fans like you, Mom, or... you just... …"

Zhou Ping pushed her daughter's face away: "Clean up and go out."

Qin Se quickly asked: "What are you doing?"

"Make money!"

Zhou Ping walked to the door and shouted to Xu Mu: "Come back, pack up and show your friend the house."

A friend of Xu Mu had frequent incidents in his home recently, so he asked Xu Mu here.

Xu Mu introduced it to Zhou Ping. As long as he could help the other person to see what was going on, he could make a lot of money.

Xu Mu smiled and said, "Okay...then wait until I come back to get these."

Xu Mu thought to himself, just because there are some left, then I have an excuse to continue coming next time.

Well, this is a good reason!


Just when Qin Se and the others were about to clean up and were about to leave, something happened to Zhen Baoer in the hospital.

Because... Tian Jinzhi came here.

She said yesterday that she came to Zhen Baoer to make noise, but she was yelled at by Zhen Jinbao. She didn't dare to come, but probably last night Zhen Jinbao was frightened and was beaten again. After all, she was young and her capacity was limited. , So it burned the next day.

Tian Jinzhi was so scared that he couldn't stop crying, and he didn't have any money on him.

There is no way to go to the hospital and no medicine.

She called Zhen Baoer and no one answered.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door and Tian Jinzhi opened it. There was a note on the ground with Zhen Bao'er's address written on it, and 100 yuan was also placed.

Tian Jinzhi has no time to think about other things, so he wants to take his son directly over.

But Zhen Jinbao was too heavy, so she drove past by herself wherever she could carry it.

When she got to the place, she wanted to go up to Zhen Baoer, but was stopped.

So Tian Jinzhi was like a shrew, sitting on the ground patting her thighs and crying: "Zhen Bao'er, you are a stinky girl with a desolate heart and a dark heart. The old lady will pull you hard, so you will return me..."

"Everyone is commenting. Zhen Baoer is my daughter. I raised her, but she cruelly watched her mother and brother go hungry, not giving a bite to eat..."

Suddenly something hit her face, and she covered her face with pain.

Then I heard: "Shut up, don't scold my wife."

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