You Are My Gravity

Chapter 528: Virtuous man

After Xu Mufa went up, he hurriedly replied to himself below: In order to make her mother-in-law think that I am a very capable person, she had one meal I cooked and wanted to eat a second meal, so...what should I do better ?

Soon, even in the early morning, fans from all walks of life who were awakened by him saw Xu Mu's Weibo all exploded.

This time he was mostly praised.

After all, Old Xu had to cook breakfast for her husband's wife.

We, Old Xu, finally become a man who lives at home.

In this regard, fans said that there is nothing more satisfying than this.

So one after another began to make suggestions to Xu Mu.

#As the saying goes, if you want to grab a woman's heart, you must first tie her stomach, Lao Xu, come on, let the shepherd see your craftsmanship, don't shame us! #

#老许, it's still early, you have a lot of time to prepare, I made a list for you, just below, you can refer to it#

#Upstairs can't do it, can you believe this craft of old Xu? Let me say, Lao Xu still make something simple and delicious, don’t make it too complicated, otherwise it will be unpalatable, so let her husband get angry.#

# That’s, that’s, in case the shepherd’s wife and sister eat it, bah, it’s too unpalatable, so a man who is not virtuous can’t take it, then our old Xu?

Xu Mu looked at the fans who had loved him to death and yelled one by one. He still wanted to protect the stomachs of her mother-in-law and younger sister. He couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth. These are fans who have changed their minds!

Xu Mu simply dropped the phone and ignored it.

Open the refrigerator and scan the ingredients inside.

He knew that Zhou Ping and Qin Se were both used to eating Chinese breakfast, but they couldn't make it too complicated. In case it messed up, Zhou Ping said, what if you don't want a useless man like him?

Xu Mu was still affected by his fans invisibly.

He first boiled the white porridge in a casserole, then took out a piece of raw meat, cut into small cubes, set aside, and waited to make lean meat porridge.

Then quickly go to work on other things.


Zhou Ping didn't need to make breakfast today, so she slept for a while, woke up almost 7 o'clock, and went downstairs.

As soon as I went downstairs, I smelled a smell of rice.

Zhou Ping was not too hungry, but when she smelled the fragrance of the meal, her stomach screamed.

Zhou Ping walked to the door of the kitchen and saw Xu Mu still busy.

Wearing a plaid apron with ruffles that she wore during cooking, the fire was gurgling porridge, and the smoke was mixed with the fragrance of the rice. He stood in the smoke and was busy with it, but Zhou Ping It seems that Xu Mu at this moment is really much more handsome than on the big screen.

Zhou Ping looked at it for a while, her eyes were a little hot inexplicably.

She has always cooked for others, and this is really... the first time a man cooked for her.

Zhou Ping took a deep breath and said, "Unexpectedly, you actually did it."

Xu Mu was taken aback and turned around to see Zhou Ping, and smiled: "You woke up, here is almost healed. I haven't done it for a long time, but it is still done."

Zhou Ping saw the cut potato field next to him, and said in surprise: "You... are good at knife."

Xu Mu smiled: "I made a movie dedicated to cooking three or four years ago. I wanted to act as a chef, but I didn’t know anything at that time, so I went to learn how to cook, whether it’s a knife. It’s still going to be a spoon, I’ve learned almost the same...In the future, if you want to eat, I can make it for you often."

Xu Mu praised himself in his heart, it was really awesome!

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