You Are My Gravity

Chapter 529: admire you

After eating the first meal, I want to have the second meal. I will eat a lot of this meal in the future. Slowly, don't you just eat to support the family?

Xu Mu felt that this idea couldn't be too great, why didn't he think of it before.

He suddenly felt that the films he had made before and the craft he learned might be for today.

Marrying a wife is not easy, it must be so versatile!

Xu Mu spoke an understatement, but Zhou Ping was surprised.

Because, she didn't expect Xu Mu to spend half a year learning cooking for a role, just to show it on the screen for two hours.

She suddenly understood why Xu Mu was able to succeed, why, so many male actors in China, with outstanding appearance and good acting skills, and why, they are not better than Xu Mu.

Maybe... because Xu Mu is so serious, he can be more successful than others.

In today's flashy world, it takes so long to learn a little bit, but few people can actually do it.

Besides, like Xu Mu, it took so long, enough for others to shoot two films, receive a lot of announcements, shoot a lot of advertisements... a lot of money.

Although she was surprised in her heart, Zhou Ping did not show it. She raised her eyebrows: "Taste your craft first."

Xu Mu smiled: "Don't worry, you won't be able to stop after taking a bite..."

Zhou Ping looked at Xu Mu's skillful cooking, that action was really handsome...

Xu Mu asked Zhou Ping: "Can you take a picture of me."


"Post on Weibo in a while."

Zhou Ping smiled: "Okay."

She picked up the phone and took two photos of Xu Mu, and also recorded a short video.

After the hot and sour potato shreds were fried, Xu Mu said, "Okay, you can ask Qin Se and the others to come down for dinner."

Zhou Ping smelled the scent, her mouth was a little uncontrollable. In order to prevent herself from embarrassing, she hurriedly said: "I'll call them."

Xu Mu brought out the cold cucumber and fried potato shreds, and then put out the fire. There was cooked porridge in the casserole and fried egg cakes on the side plate.

The breakfast was all set, Xu Mu quickly took out his phone and took a picture, and then sent the two pictures Zhou Ping took to her, plus the finished products.

#When I was cooking, the handsome figure has successfully fascinated your shepherd wife, let’s see how beautiful she takes me! #

Fans who waited on Weibo for more than an hour finally waited for Xu Mu's cooking results.

They shouted, "Old Xu, don't be proud, hold on, let the shepherd's wife know more about your virtuousness."

Usually in front of the shepherd's wife, be diligent and don't miss any opportunity for performance!

Xu Mu curled his lips, what else do you use?


Not much time, Qin Se and the others went downstairs.

Seeing the food on the table, Qin Se exclaimed in disbelief: " these all made by Uncle Xu?"

Xu Mu was very humble and said: "I don't know what you like to eat, so I just made something simple. If you think it tastes okay, I will come back at noon and I will make a good meal for you."

Qin Se quickly picked up the chopsticks and took a bite of potato shreds.

After chewing twice, she screamed: "Uncle Xu, you are so amazing, I admire you so much, it tastes better than my mother's cooking!"

Zhou Ping heard: "Huh... it's better than my cooking, then you can let him cook it for you in the future."

Xu Mu smiled, very good, just waiting for this sentence.


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