You Are My Gravity

Chapter 536: Go home

Director Huo hurried to the house to call out his wife and daughter.

The two of them had no idea how many times they had scolded Zhou Ping and the others.

Director Huo cursed the two in a low voice.

"Things that do not live or die, do you know that your lives are at stake these days? Don’t you feel it when you live at home these days? If you want to die, just keep doing it. If you don’t want to die, just get out of me, that woman, let’s I can't afford to offend, I don't understand."

Hu Ying nodded: "Husband, don't be angry, I know, I just watched her take so much money from us, and dare to put on airs for us, I feel uncomfortable..."

Director Huo really wanted to slap it over: "You know what a fart, if you feel uncomfortable, you also hold it back. If it weren't for you, I could add up to 20 million."

"Get out quickly and pretend to be grandson no matter how unhappy you are."

Director Huo hurried out with his wife and daughter.

The wounds on Huo Anqi's mouth and face were simply treated, the blood around was wiped off, and the wound was still bleeding a bit, which looked terrifying.

Zhou Ping swept over them and said, "After a while, no one is allowed to make any noises."

The Huo family nodded.

Zhou Ping pointed to director Huo, father and son: "You, hold the other ancestor in the ranking."

When I was doing this, you were going around the dharma grounds, and I didn't say that you can't stop.

Director Huo quickly hugged a tablet: "Okay, understand!"

Huo Zhonglin and Huo Tianen also followed closely, each holding one and standing in a row behind Director Huo.

Gu Jingyuan Qin Se and Xu Mu stood outside the law court.

Qin Se had seen her mother doing things when she was a child, but at that time she was just playing and watching it seriously, which was the first time.

It was the first time for Gu Jingyuan and Xu Muna.

The two didn't know what was going on, and they were a little nervous inexplicably.

On the incense table in front of Zhou Ping, in addition to a table of tributes, there were also some necessary magical instruments, some grains, and burning candles.

Everyone looked at her. She looked at the sun in the sky. When the sun happened to be directly above her head, she grabbed the copper bell on her right hand and shook it three times. The Huo family quickly moved around the dojo.

The peach wood sword in Zhou Ping's right hand flipped his wrist, and the peach wood sword pierced two yellow symbols at a very fast speed.

She picked up the yellow symbol and lit it with candlelight.

The burning speed of the yellow talisman was extremely fast, almost instantly, with a bang, a big flame was ignited.

Then the flame disappeared, and the yellow symbols turned into powder and fell.

Zhou Ping waved the peach wood sword, and began to recite the curse of exorcising evil spirits in her mouth: "Earth in the ocean, sunrise in the east, I give magical charms, sweeping ominousness, disciple Zhou Ping is here today to exorcise evil spirits, willing to ask the ancestors for shelter..."

Zhou Ping read it for a long time, and then she stood in front of the incense case and began to move.

Gu Jingyuan discovered that Zhou Ping's movement was not irregular, she seemed to be moving in the direction of Yin and Yang gossip.

After a while, Zhou Ping stopped and her voice suddenly amplified: "The Great Emperor Xuanwu is in front, the gods return to the temple, the ghosts return to the grave, the demons and ghosts return to the mountains and forests, the true monarch Xuanwu is in a hurry!!!

While chanting the spell, the peach wood sword in Zhou Ping's hand was inserted into the grains and provoked vigorously. The grains fell to the ground and made a slight sound.

After the last spell of Zhou Ping's mouth fell, the two big roosters, who were lying on the ground and not moving very much, suddenly stood up, raised their necks, and uttered a loud **** toward the sky.

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