You Are My Gravity

Chapter 537: Sanzhuxiang

It seemed that with the crow of the rooster, a lot of coldness was dispersed all at once.

Qin Se actually felt that the temperature had echoed a little bit.

This feeling is not only Qin Se, but the Huo family can feel it more clearly.

The biting chill on his body seemed to dissipate a lot, and even the heavy feeling on his body was a lot lighter.

Such a miraculous thing made them even more convinced that Zhou Ping was a real master.

However, because Zhou Ping had told her before, she did not say to stop, and no one in the family was allowed to stop or speak.

So no one dared to stop.

Zhou Ping put down the Taomu sword and said, "Stop it."

"Master, you are amazing, you are so amazing, I just felt like... alive."

Zhou Ping glanced at him lightly.

"The ritual is not over yet, shut up."

Director Huo was so frightened that he tensed his mouth.

Zhou Ping said: "Put the tablets on."

The Huo family father and son three immediately followed suit and placed the tablet on the incense table.

Zhou Ping picked up a sharp dagger and said, "Extend your hand, left hand."

Director Huo was shocked, what is this going to do?

Zhou Ping raised her eyelids and gave him a cool look. Director Huo quickly stretched out her left hand.

Zhou Ping slashed down his **** and index finger and made a cut.

Then the director convulsed painfully.

Zhou Ping said: "Blood, drip on the tablet."

Director Huo didn't dare to say any more. He quickly dripped blood on the tablet according to what Zhou Ping said.

The same is true for other people, the cuts Zhou Ping cut in their fingers are really not shallow.

After everyone was done, Zhou Ping said, "Kneel down!"

Director Huo quickly took the family down to his knees.

Zhou Ping said: "Knock three heads, send your ancestors away, ask them to go all the way."

Director Huo hurriedly knocked his head and said: "Please father, grandpa, grandpa... go all the way!"

He thought to himself, please go quickly, and don't come back again.

Zhou Ping: "Fragrant."

Director Huo took the whole family again, and one person put three sticks of incense on the tablets of their ancestors.

After doing this they thought it should be over.

But not yet.

Zhou Ping grabbed the big **** and cut the cock's throat with a dagger that cut the Huo family's hands.

The Huo family shivered in terror.

The chicken blood remained on the incense case. Zhou Ping put the chicken down, picked up a brush, and drew a line of exorcism on each of them after staining the chicken blood.

The Huo family man is fine, but the woman can't stand it.

Especially Hu Ying, who was disgusted and resisted and did not push Zhou Ping away.

The stench of chicken blood went straight into her nose, making her extremely uncomfortable.

After finishing the painting, Zhou Ping said lightly: "No washing or rubbing off within 7 days."

Well, she deliberately didn't need 7 days, in fact... 3 days is enough.

Hu Ying looked shocked: "What 7 days?"

For seven days, I couldn't make a facial mask or skin care, and I couldn't even wash my face. This was terrible to Hu Ying.

Huo Tianen asked: "What if you are not careful?"

He is not afraid of not washing his face for 7 days, but he is afraid what if he rubs it off accidentally?

Zhou Ping put down the brush, and said, "There is no if, the death breath has just been eliminated. Your body is extremely weak. Without the protection of this talisman, you are like a baby who just came out of the ring with a boxer. What will happen to you, feel it yourself, of course, if you are curious and want to try, feel free to."

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