You Are My Gravity

Chapter 551: Go astray

Gu Jingyuan held Qin Se's hand, lowered his head and smiled at her.

Xiang Qiuchi is forcing his mother-in-law to say something later.

Maybe this person just wants the mother-in-law to expose everything about him.

Then... Is he so scrupulous?

Gu Jingyuan looked at Zhou Ping.

Zhou Ping's face was calm and calm, "It's just that... there was a sudden change in life, the light turned into darkness, and the splendor turned into thorns. If you are not careful, you may go astray."

Zhou Ping did not say directly, she said she was afraid of going astray.

In fact, Xiang Qiuchi was on the wrong path, always walking on the edge of the cliff.

Xiang Qiuchi's face changed slightly, and the smile in his eyes disappeared for two minutes. He asked, "Wrong way? I don't know what is wrong way in my aunt?"

Zhou Ping did not answer, astray? This is a word that is simple and simple to explain, and difficult and difficult to say.

Because his scope is very wide.

Zhou Ping just said indifferently: "Child, look out the window, the summer sun is full of vitality, although it is very hot, it makes people full of hope. If you dare to stand in the sun, the way forward is the right way. You are in the dark. , Closed your eyes and walked forward, without a person to accompany you, and if you dare not walk towards the sun, you will go astray."

Zhou Ping paused and said, "I have been walking in the dark for a long time, don't you feel cold?"

Xiang Qiuchi's hand holding the water cup became tighter and tighter, and the quilt made a faint sound, which had cracked.

Just before the cup was about to break, Xiang Qiuchi immediately released his hand.

The water glass fell to the ground and fell apart.

Xiang Qiuchi immediately said: "Sorry, my hand slipped... I'm sorry..."

However, Gu Jingyuan just saw it, and the cup was broken before it fell to the ground.

This Xiang Qiuchi is really not a simple character.

Gu Jingyuan smiled and said, "It's okay, but it's just a cup. It doesn't hurt Mr. Xiang. I'll have someone come over and clean it."

Soon, the waiter came over, quickly cleaned and retired.

During this period, no one spoke, and the dinner table was very quiet.

Zhen Baoer was afraid that Gu Zhixin would speak at this time, and kept holding his left hand, and then gave him food and let him eat.

But what she listened to was frightened.

Aunt Ping said that this Xiang Qiuchi is going astray, and it must be a bad thing.

Thinking of sending Gu Jingyuan back to Qiuchi last time.

Zhen Baoer felt afraid for a while.

Xiang Qiuchi can conclude that Zhou Ping must have guessed that he is not far from ten, but she did not say clearly.

Just now Xiang Qiu Chi panicked and didn't control it.

This was the first time he was flustered in front of his goal.

It is the first time that Xiang Qiuchi has encountered such a situation since he entered the industry until today.

He suddenly regretted that she shouldn't have asked Zhou Ping to help him see the situation, even if she knew it in her heart, he didn't want to hear those words in his ears.

He underestimated this woman too much before, and this... is the most powerful of all.

Even Gu Jingyuan listened to her, this Zhou Ping was the backbone of this family.

Xiang Qiuchi frowned slightly, he miscalculated.

After thinking about it in his heart, he raised his head: "Auntie's words are really interesting..."

"You see, the sun outside is shining all over the earth, but there are always places in this world where the sun can’t shine. Bright and dark are things that cannot disappear in this world. When there is light, there will be darkness. No one can ban others. ."

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