You Are My Gravity

Chapter 552: Butcher knife

Qin Se actually felt that these words seemed...somewhat reasonable.

She took a sip in her heart, no, looking at what this kid said, is there a bad person in this world?

Zhou Ping smiled: "There are indeed many corners of the world that cannot be illuminated by sunlight, one can live in the dark for a lifetime. It is human instinct to chase the light. After all...light can make people feel warm. , And darkness, can't."

Qin Se talked about Gu Jingyuan.

She was a little worried, the conversation had changed.

Xiang Qiuchi moved his lips, he had a lot to say back.


To Zhou Ping's calm but gentle eyes, he did not say anything.

He felt that he was probably a little bit wicked.

The aunt on the other side is really... amazing!

Zhou Ping then smiled and said, "However, if I tell you this today, you don’t have to take it too seriously. After all... you are already an adult. What you should do and what you shouldn’t do, you don’t need to say anything, just... I am today Be brazen once, and want to be your elder, it is not too late to go astray while young."

"Auntie said..." Xiang Qiuchi simply said such an ambiguous sentence.

"Unexpectedly, you and Mr. Xiang have quite a common language... However, the sun today is really too big, with a high temperature of nearly 40 degrees, too hot..."

Seeing that it was almost done, Gu Jingyuan changed the subject.

Xiang Qiuchi did not continue to ask, and Zhou Ping did not continue to say anything.

It seems that the verbal battle between you and me just now does not exist.

Xiang Qiuchi is still gentle, beautiful, clean and beautiful.

He looks like a person who has been walking in the sun.

But... in his heart, it is estimated that in the boundless night, he has no idea how many years he has been running.

One meal was almost done, and Xiang Qiuchi was about to leave.

"Thank you, Mr. Gu’s hospitality. Today’s food is delicious, and I am in a good mood to chat with everyone, especially..."

Xiang Qiuchi looked at Zhou Ping and said with a smile: "Especially what Auntie said, thank you very much, are right, I hope...we still have a chance to meet again!"

Zhou Ping nodded, but she was saying in her heart: Actually, I don't really want us to meet again. .

When we meet next time, who knows what Xiang Qiuchi will do?

Gu Jingyuan said to Xiang Qiuchi: "Brother Xiang is really too polite. I, this one brother, used to be too wayward and offended many people. Now he has his head injured. I don't know how many people want to find him. Trouble, last time, thanks to you, this meal did not mean anything. I hope that if you have a chance in the future, please go to the house for dinner."

Xiang Qiuchi smiled and said: "Then...I really can't ask for it..."

After the farewell, everyone went downstairs together.

Qin Se and the others walked in front, Zhou Ping walked behind, and Xiang Qiuchi walked behind Zhou Ping.

Xiang Qiuchi stared at Zhou Ping, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Zhou Ping knows...too much.

Moreover, she will be a big trouble.

His right hand was slowly placed on the watch on his left wrist, his finger touched the switch, as long as he pressed it, a poisonous needle would be shot inside...

At the second when his hand was about to press the button, he heard Zhou Ping in front of him, and said faintly: "Child, put down the butcher knife, maybe you can become a Buddha!"

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